Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

    When humans and zombies have clearly entered the stage of evenly matched tug-of-war, it is obvious that such a sharp drop in numbers is definitely not normal.

    Humans follow a certain law of survival, so zombies must also follow a certain law of action.

    This rule may not be so mysterious, it may just be a kind of fluctuating activity climax of the zombie virus.

    Just like what Tong University and the others said, there was nothing abnormal in the past, but so many zombies suddenly appeared tonight, which sounds like the result of the fluctuation of the virus.

    Some dormitories are capable enough to withstand this wave of sudden changes, defeat small waves of zombies, and welcome the last ranking settlement before the qualifying match.

    And some dormitories are not capable enough, so they were buried in the "drill" before this qualifying match.

    In fact, if the University of Technology hadn't discovered it in time, and the two schools worked together to rescue it, the dormitory of Tongda University would have died long ago.

    It's just that losing one's life will only make that line of cold numbers +1.

    Every time I think of this, I get chills.

    This should be a small ups and downs before the "big fluctuation".

    "After deducing this result, we can almost be sure of the format of the qualifying competition." Su Zilin cast his eyes on the little green head on the phone's home page, "I wondered before whether it was controlling the zombies, but looking at it

    now Come on, it is more likely that it can help us predict the law of zombie activities."

    "These two behaviors are actually not in conflict," Chen Fangtong said.

    Shen Wei's eyes moved: "The thief is calling to catch the thief?"

    "I still prefer the latter possibility." Su Zi raised his forehead.

    In any case, the time is approaching day by day, even for the college entrance examination, at this point in time, it is already the final stage of preparation.

    It's nice to say that.

    In layman's terms, it's called cramming.

    For example, the dormitory of Tongjiang University who survived the catastrophe has this awareness.

    After waking up early in the morning, they published a

    thousand-word long post on the [Alliance LAN] titled: [Tongjiang University's end-of-the-world status reflected through "exercise" and an emergency plan to check for omissions].

    The post is divided into four parts in total:

    1. The official speech on the rescue of the two friend schools.

    2. Self-analysis The defects of Tongjiang University exposed by this action, and the huge gap in viability hidden behind it.

    3. All the help (that is, advantages) that I can provide to the university city before the first qualifying competition.

    4. Before the first qualifying competition, I still need room for improvement, and I hope to cooperate with the two sister schools.

    Driven by some mysterious power, everyone deducted 1 below.

    When they saw this post, the three of them were in the greenhouse, admiring the harvest of the latest batch of vegetables.

    Plants of various flavors are mixed with the aroma of moist soil, and the smell gets better and better, although occasionally there is also the smell of fertilizer.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now