Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

    The boundary line is two parallel viaducts, connecting University City and T City, with a height of about ten meters, on which there are many wrecks of cars and electric vehicles.

    And below, the height of ten meters is like an abyss in the dark night.

    "Twenty thirty" Su Zilin quickly estimated, "Thirty-seven."

    Thirty-seven zombies came densely packed like a tide.

    The zombies I have seen before are at most a dozen or so in a team, but now with the help of the headlights, I can see that there are as many zombies as there are in a class, and they are running wildly in an absolutely crazy posture.

    There was a large area of ​​darkness, except for the headlights, only the flashlights in the hands of the girls in front were shaking repeatedly due to the violent running.

    Weak and mottled lights hit the zombies from time to time, their gray pupils and tattered and bleeding clothes appeared like ghosts in the night, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

    The hoarse sound, the tsunami is getting closer and closer.

    After a few loud noises, the last girl with a bicycle rolled over on the wreckage of the electric car on the viaduct, and the two fell three or four meters in embarrassment.

    It seems that it is not that they have no means of transportation, but that they have lost their last chips one by one in the pursuit of zombies along the way, leaving only the dilemma of struggling.


    The girls running behind stopped in horror, and turned around to help them up.

    One of them seemed to have fallen hard, struggling several times but was unable to stand up, and the distance he managed to get away from the zombies before was also infinitely shortened under their pursuit.

    There are still 20 meters left before the viaduct leads to the boundary of the University City!

    "Zombies have eyesight, although other senses are also very sensitive, but" Su Zilin immediately turned to Shen Wei, "Quick, let them turn off the flashlight first!" Shen Wei immediately stood up, turned off the lit flashlight as a signal, and

    then He opened his throat and shouted loudly at his highest decibel:

    "Turn this thing off for me!!!"

    It seems that this kind of unreasonable sentence pattern can bring out the full volume.

    The sound reached their ears smoothly, "Shua, Shua, Shua", the originally few beams of bleak and reluctant light were instantly turned off, and their figures disappeared into the night at once.

    The speed of the zombies behind them did not slow down, but the target in their eyes was no longer the five girls chasing all the way, but the two trucks full of humans in front of them.

    The girl who fell the hardest barely stood up at this moment, and was limped and moved forward desperately by two girls.

    The vision a few meters ahead can be illuminated by the headlights of two cars.

    "I'll pick them up."

    Without any hesitation, Chen Fangtong picked up the baseball bat in one hand, raised his long legs, stepped on the side of the truck, and jumped down lightly.

    "Then I'll follow you!" Yin He was about to stand up, but he pulled down one hand desperately, "?!" "Don't send yourself to

    death!" Su Zilin threw him a flashlight, "Turn on the light, only illuminate zombies "

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