Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 Planting Rice/School Open Day!

    Similarly, this class start notice must also be communicated to your classmates.

    Except for the twice-weekly club members' meeting, the cafeteria is where the school crowd gathers the most. When the news spreads out, if you tell each other, you can easily notify everyone in the whole school.

    Some of the students who have been in the school all the time have personally gone to the university city to search for building materials and other scattered supplies, and they have also fought a few small-scale encounters.

    From their descriptions, it seems that one or two lone zombies in the building were awakened by accident, which is completely different from what I experienced.

    However, the number of kills does not matter, what is valuable is the expansion of knowledge and actual combat experience.

    "So you haven't encountered zombies at all, have you?"

    Standing at the entrance of the cafeteria, Su Zilin looked at Cheng Sui and his friends who had returned to civilized society and enjoyed it immensely, and asked sharply.

    Hearing this, he coughed twice as a cover-up: "How do we answer this question? If we can still encounter zombies after we go up to Jingmen Mountain, wouldn't it be meaningless to survive in the wilderness for such a long time?" "

    No So, we’ve seen zombies before.” The boy next to him spoke up, probably the one with the chicken feathers on his head, “

    Otherwise, why do you think we had to crawl and hide in Jingmen Mountain? Of course it’s because of the wind gathering Witnessing zombies with my own eyes!"

    "Rolling and crawling? We chose such a wise way to avoid the end of the world, why do you have to speak so badly?" "

    Then what other words can we use? After seeing the zombies, we clearly Your legs are so weak that you can’t even stand up, okay?”

    “I told you, it’s because I squatted for too long while sketching, and my legs are numb!”

    You talk to each other, from the mountain to the school, the only one What hasn't changed is still this.

    "Did I hear it wrong? Why are they talking so proudly?" Lu Chaonan folded his arms.

    "Very good——" Shen Wei lowered his head and marked on the paper,

    "All members of the Design Academy for Wilderness Survival have never seen zombies, don't know how to use weapons, and have no actual combat experience."

    Cheng Sui: "?"

    After writing, she tore up the paper Come down and hand it to him: "The school is open day after tomorrow, and the two friendly schools next door will send people. You are the first batch of students in our school's zombie research class." Cheng Sui had no choice but to take it, "Oh,


    The boy next to him also asked a question similar to "Is fighting a wild boar counted as actual combat experience?", but he escorted him away, so he didn't have a chance to answer .

    There are 157 people from our school, 24 from Tongda University, and 73 people from Gongda University, a total of 254 people. Excluding six people from myself and five people from Gongda University (after all, the internal test dormitory combat effectiveness of Tongda University is currently about zero), that is to say, there are 243 people who need to be trained.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now