Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 Unplanned Tasks

    "You don't do it anymore? Ten years ago, the three universities in the university city often held fellowship events, such as football games, debate games, hip-hop competitions, super girl vocals, happy boys, etc." Xue Fei counted them with her fingers

    . "And then, I met in my sophomore year"

    "Ugh!" Liao Yunlin was cornered by Xiao Ke and Ye Jifan, and when he was trying to struggle, Ye Jifan pushed him back.

    "Don't move around, Minister Liao." Ye Jifan said, "You just finished writing the thousand-character notice, aren't your wrists tired?" After finishing speaking,

    she said to Xue Fei, "I'm sorry, sister, you can continue."

    Liao Yunlin: "???"

    "It was a boyfriend back then, why is it still a boyfriend now?" Xiao Ke raised his hand and asked.

    "Hey, it's a burden to be married, I don't want to get married." Xue Fei pushed her hair behind her ears, "We both think so. We just finished traveling around the sea a few days before the virus broke out. He was originally a photographer. I saved more than 8,000 photos for my travels along the way."

    "Wow" Xiao Wen, a girl in a helmet from the University of Science and Technology, covered her mouth and sighed, "It's so romantic."

    After she finished speaking, she turned her head to Su Zilin and said, "How are you guys doing? Does Tongyi have any men to introduce?"

    Su Zilin glanced at Lu Chaonan. He immediately averted his eyes with a very ferocious look.

    So she then looked at Yu Li, who was tying a wristband on Chen Fangtong's wrist like he was worried about his old mother.

    "I don't hurt." Chen Fangtong muttered.

    "There are so many sudden movements, should I tie one?"

    "It's tight."

    "Well, let me relax."

    "You can do it yourself if you have time." After watching this scene similar to "Your mother thinks you are cold", Su Zilin replied like this.

    "Oh, that's fine." Xiaowen regretted, "Anyway, I absolutely don't want to talk to my classmates."

    Xiao Ke said angrily, "Wow, what do you mean, you?"

    Liao Yunlin was asked to write a written notice about resigning from the post of head of the virus prevention and control headquarters and cancellation of compulsory asylum in one stroke, and the original document was sent to the University of Science and Technology of China. copy room printing.

    In free time, the conference room is peaceful.

    Those thugs and subordinates seemed to be reluctant to follow Liao Yunlin to go further and further down this fork in the road. After the conflict just ended, they seemed to suddenly realize, "It turns out that I really don't have to follow this Liao!", So now I have turned in my weapons (not forced at all), and I am looking at the legal books in the bookcase in the conference room of the University of Science and Technology.

    "Xue Fei! I knew it!" Liao Yunlin was furious, "What kind of good people come out of Tongda? They are all good people! They are all fools!"

    Xue Fei was passionately sharing her love story.

    "Bao Jianye! I really misread the person!" He continued to report the name of the dish.

    "I'm sorry, Liao Bu." The silver-haired thin old man nodded and apologized, "I have a bunch of radishes and potatoes planted on the balcony of my house. I follow you all day long. My wife grows vegetables and takes care of my granddaughter all by myself on the attic. I'm too busy, why don't you just forget about it. You're not a few years younger than me, why don't you go home and find a house to plant and hide, survival is the most important thing." "And you! You" he

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