Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The First Alliance Operations Conference

    After clicking on it, it looked like a retro forum.

    It was empty, not a single post.

    "Local area network." Su Zilin whispered the word, "Could it be that this account book can ignore the cut-off radio and provide us with a dedicated network?" "But what does

    this [Alliance] mean?" Shen Weishua Looking left and right at the forum, there is no additional information.

    "Try posting a post." Chen Fangtong said, "Let's see who will reply."

    "Good idea, good idea." Shen Wei suddenly became interested and began to edit, "Let me think of a secret code" after

    thinking After a while, she typed out a few words gracefully.

    [Alliance LAN]'s first post was born.

    [Closed beta user: Confident and flamboyant 66

    was released just now by

    Tianwang Gaidihu! ]

    Completely ignoring the city's cut-off radios, the post managed to get out. And followed by the ip address, positioned as [2b717], which is the location of the three-person dormitory.

    Su Zilin raised his eyes, "Are you serious about this name?"

    "No!?" Shen Wei quickly waved his hands to defend, "Although I am indeed confident and flamboyant, this name was randomly given to me by the system, okay?" "Ding

    dong— —" The message prompt sounded.

    In less than a minute, the post received two replies!

    [1l: Timid and active 77

    Pagoda Town River Demon! ! !

    [2l: Lawful and calm 11

    Good evening everyone?

    And the ip addresses of these two replies all come from 5a406, which is the location of Yu Li's dorm.

    "Could it be that the so-called alliance refers to the internal test users in the same university?" Su Zilin suddenly realized, "And this local area network can bypass the radio restrictions, allowing us to get in touch directly." "But it's all about who

    . Shen Wei complained, "It's been so convenient, why don't you just introduce a real-name system?" As soon as the

    words finished, a new post was added.

    [3l: Pessimistic and world-weary 44

    First, I am not pessimistic and world-weary, and second, we are not bandits, can we stop using such codes? ]

    The three were silent for a moment.

    Su Zilin said slowly: "I seem to be able to distinguish who is from whom." "

    Me too." Shen Weidao, "Yin He is timid and positive, Yu Li is lawful and calm, as for this pessimistic and world-weary, You can tell it's that Lu Chaonan at a glance."

    Good League LAN forum, what a stereotype.

    [4l: Detached and dull 55

    Moha Moha, speaking at noon, no one has a home. ]

    "Hahahahaha!" Shen Wei patted Chen Fangtong's arm and laughed loudly, "Sure enough, you still understand me. We watched "Taking Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom" that night in the art test class back then!" Su Zilin continued to

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