Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    The level of the watchtower is too low, and the range that can be observed so far is only so small.

    Among the upgrade materials, wood is easy to talk about now, stone is more difficult to obtain, and iron ore is even more impossible.

    Unless the people in Jingmen Town really have some exclusive channels, or, they simply set their sights on the city center of T - from the

    current point of view, these two options are not very likely.

    As far as the roof of the TV station building itself is concerned, the view is good, and there is also a telescope blessing. The app can't help much now, but manual observation of the surrounding environment is still advisable.

    However, anyway, there is an elevator going straight up to the 28th floor, so you can still come here easily next time if you need an observation view.

    "Is there anything abnormal behind or around them?" Su Zilin reached out and climbed up the guardrail.

    Shen Wei shook her head: "Not at all, the surroundings are harmonious."

    After a pause, she continued: "However, if I have to say something unusual, it may be that they came here on bicycles." I didn't know what to

    say for a while, the school Is this a unique blank area for zombies, or is it simply too reckless for contemporary college students.

    It is impossible for the neighboring school to visit suddenly at this time without a special reason.

    Although they were just riding bicycles carelessly, they were still waving school flags very flamboyantly.

    "There is nothing to discover here." Su Zilin said, "Let's go down first."

    Then, as when climbing up, everyone left the roof one by one along the steel ladder, and took the elevator back to the ground.

    From the wooden bridge on Wenze Lake, through a trail surrounded by smoked willows, and then through a straight road, is the north main gate of Tongyi.     "What should we do, open the door for them directly?" Yin He asked, "But what

    if they are bad guys and just robbed the school flag of the University of Technology?"

a program."

    "That's right, that's right." Shen Wei said, "It's like this in movies. When two parties who haven't made an appointment in advance meet, they have to call through the city wall first." "Although I don't think what

    you want to talk about is called battle Words." Su Zilin glanced at her, "However, we must be vigilant, and we must confirm our identity first." Seeing

    someone finally approaching from the campus, the five people happily waved their hands, and two even clapped back.

    It seems to be a whole male dormitory, and everyone's appearance perfectly fits the stereotype of science and engineering men.

    All four wear glasses, the one without glasses is wearing a fleece plaid shirt.


    Yu Li had just opened his mouth when he was interrupted by one of them.

    Across the telescopic iron fence of the gate, six people stood opposite the five of them.

    "That's great, that's great!"

    the fat man with black-rimmed glasses cheered, "We went to Tongjiang University first, but no one paid any attention to us. I was planning to go back home, but I said ——Don’t forget, there’s a bronze art on the bank of the river!”

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now