Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Going on a Big Adventure Tomorrow

    "?" Shen Wei looked at the two of them in surprise, "Did we rank more than a hundred thousand in the last global ranking?" He

    nodded repeatedly.

    The progress is too exaggerated. The global ranking has jumped more than 30,000 at one time. Without horizontal comparison, it is hard not to drift.

    This time, whether it is just looking at the base of the survival value or comparing the global and national rankings, a qualitative leap has been achieved.

    The evaluation of [Personnel Status] was also highly praised by the app. It seems that the "best plan" it said, no accident, refers to the cooperative that makes the entire Tongyi tightly cohesive.

    Perhaps this is one of the reasons why this app uses dormitories as units, but uses universities to divide areas.

    The relationship between the dormitory and the school is mutual. If a single dormitory wants to survive, it must take the school as the origin to carry out all activities. The so-called construction of dormitories is actually the construction of schools.

    This shows that Tongjiang University of the Arts' plan for survival in the last days has moved in the right direction and is on the right track.

    "Looking at it this way, it's not so impossible to get into the top 10,000 in the world." Shen Wei stroked the hollowed-out earth on the screen with his finger, "Maybe we can just come back this trip." Think

    carefully , Su Zilin replied: "Let's not talk about this first."

    From 70,000 to 10,000, the difference is still a bit far.

    It is not clear how the official [First Survival Qualifying Tournament] will be carried out, nor the rules for calculating rankings. There are still seven days before the date of the public qualifying match. It is estimated that after returning from Jingmen Town, more information will be available.

    If we only look at the current conventional global rankings, the chances of breaking into the top 10,000 in the world are still very low.

    What can be done now is to maintain this momentum and do our best to complete the hoarding of various materials and infrastructure construction.

    Another finding is that the rate of reduction in the number of dormitories participating in the closed beta has slowed down considerably.

    This is a natural law and also a signal:

    on the earth, the war between humans and zombies has ended the initial stage of unilaterally overwhelming virus transmission and mutation.

    The remaining surviving humans are already a group with enough strength to engage in an evenly matched tug-of-war with the zombies.

    It's cruel, but survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, is the truth.

    On the hollowed-out earth, the orange color of City T tends to faintly spread in all directions. However, the survival value of the 18 dormitories in the city center is not low, and [Tongzhou University of Science and Technology, 3c311] even ranks among the top 3,000 in the world.

    Seeing the four words "science and technology", it is not difficult to understand. Where the start of the game comes with black technology weapons and various safe spaces, it is impossible to start low.

    The current number one position in the world has not changed, it is still [Seattle Ocean University, 7a531], the survival value is 41977 points, which is only an increase of 186 points compared with the last time.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now