Chapter 70

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Chapter 70 Fruit Planting / The Great Inventor

    "Civet cat?" Shen Wei repeated the word, "Civet cat? Is it the civet cat I thought?"

    Su Zilin was sure: "No, definitely not the civet cat you thought of."

    Boss Squirrel's language expression ability is very Generally, there are few words and sentences, intermittent, but you can barely see their intentions.

    It seems that the three civet cats have a close relationship with the squirrel owners, and they may even be friends from a mountain in the past. Now that my old friend is reunited, I am very excited, and I ask my dear friend to treat me with delicious food and a little more fat insects.

    The fat and delicious snacks provided to the bosses on the Internet are usually crickets, crickets, etc., and there are more unacceptable ones such as earthworms, which makes the students in the forestry team feel like they are on the battlefield every time they catch insects.

    Now comes a new bug-snack lover, and it looks like their battle just got a lot more.

    As for the last sentence, the so-called "seize the opportunity" must be the arrival of the civet cat, which has brought new bonus effects to the forest farm.

    Civets are good at growing fruit. Whether it is logical or not, it sounds reasonable anyway.

    Fruit has always been a gap in the range of crops in schools. Leaving aside the wild fruit trees brought down from the mountain, other places in the school, such as the landscape garden, the sidewalks on both sides of the library, and near the multimedia teaching building near the dormitory building, are planted to beautify the environment. fruit tree.

    The south of the Tongjiang River Basin is not particularly south, but it is definitely not the north. Fruit growth requires better care in order to bear decent and abundant fruits.

    Therefore, in Tongyi’s campus, most of these fruit trees are green and lush with dense branches and leaves, but they just don’t bear fruit.

    Over time, I even forgot what kind of tree it was.

    I vaguely remember that a pomegranate tree in the garden last year bore a big red pomegranate, which attracted a group of people to watch and take pictures below, which shows how low the fruiting rate of these fruit trees is.

    "If it wasn't for that time, I wouldn't know it was a pomegranate tree if I walked by the garden a hundred times." Shen Wei said.

    Yu Qiaoman was blunt when he heard the words: "It's normal if you don't know each other." "

    This is a pear tree." Yu Qiaoman picked up a wooden stick and pointed to the three of them, "That piece is fig, loquat, orange and pomegranate trees. Then, she squatted down and pushed aside the weedy bushes beside the garden: "This is the snake berry, huh ?

    And strawberries?"

    Except for the snake berry, all the branches of other fruit trees were in the temperature of minus ten degrees They have entered the stage of being on the verge of suspended animation, such as pear trees, loquat trees and pomegranate trees, all turned into black dead branches, which Yu Qiaoman can recognize.

    Chen Fangtong leaned over and picked a snake berry the size of a fingernail. It was bright red, with some burrs on it, and the color was very attractive. Just looking at it made people drool.

    "Why is it called this name?" She held up the little fruit to the sky.

    "I heard from the old man that when the fruit bears fruit, snakes will come out of it? Or is it that snakes like to eat this kind of fruit?" Yu Qiaoman shook her head, "I don't know about that either."

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