Chapter 111 - 120

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Chapter 111 Wild Boar Army!

    Immediately send the news to Copper University and inform the residents in the university city.

    As for Jingmen Town, we have to leave soon.

    There are very few animals in the university town. The stray cats and dogs have almost died after a long time. There are also many adopted by residents and schools. They should be safe now.

    There are not even zombies in the city, and the virus should not be transmitted here now.

    The only way to infect the animals in the university town is with exotic animals.

    The land is okay, but the water and the sky are difficult to control.

    The hideous and bloody dead fish were salvaged with fishing nets. After about half an hour, the water in the fish ponds and paddy fields was finally restored to cleanliness thanks to the diligent efforts of the plant river embankment to change the water wave after wave.

    As for the fish below, each of them is like a normal fish, and all the status data are very stable. Not to mention the emotional content, after fighting this sudden battle, their emotional content is just excited to the next level.

    When comparing the dead fish, I found that although these foreign fish infected by the zombie virus are very vicious and have fangs that only carnivorous fish have, but they are so big that they are useless no matter how infected they are. Not as solid as a punch from these muscular fish at school. No wonder the school fish won so easily.

    The only unbearable thing is that these fish smelled unique when they were moved from the boat, and now all the blood is flowing out, the smell of the fish itself mixed with the smell of blood, the smell makes people's brains buzz of.

    The students were retching while fishing.

    Listening to the movement, a few people may have really vomited, but it was very tragic anyway.

    "It's hard to tell from this look." Wearing rubber gloves, Yu Qiaoman picked up one of the dead fish with a bloody head, opened its mouth, and turned the whole body over again, "It should be a knifefish , yellow croaker and the like, it’s just that it’s hard to recognize after it’s like this.”

    After finishing speaking, she handed the fish to Su Zilin: “Look at it.”

    It’s a relatively small fish, held in her hand It is only the length of the entire palm and half the width of the palm. It is the kind that is usually made into salted fish.

    It can be seen that its scales should have been sparkling silvery white, but after being infected, it turned into this completely dull gray-black, very hard and scratchy, very similar to the horny skin of a zombie.

    "Is this kind of fish available in our waters?" After reading it, Su Zilin threw it back into the fishing net. Yu Li was distributing masks and gloves when she passed by and gave her a box of tissues.

    "No." Yu Qiaoman shook her head, "It's usually the fish that grow at the mouth of the sea."

    After listening, she fell into deep thought.

    "Then..." He Xingyan panicked, "The water birds threw these fish into the boat when we came back. Could it be that they were fishing with the tide at that time, and after catching them, they found that something was wrong with the fish, just in time to see our fish?" The boat, just throw it all up?"

    "It should be like this." Su Zilin wiped his hands, "It's just that I was thinking, so, those water birds?" "No, no way."

    Xiao Sun almost cried, "They flew away after throwing the fish, no They came back with us."

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