Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 Vegetable cycle is also a cycle

    For the sake of experimentation, we replanted a cabbage, a spinach, a crown chrysanthemum, and a lettuce respectively.

    □□At that time, the root systems of the four kinds of vegetables were still intact. After digging out the soil nest, it was easy to restore to the appearance before it was broken off.

    Yu Qiaoman had just tied the lettuce with hemp rope, came over and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

    After adding the last handful of soil, Su Zilin replied: "I just want to show them what they can look like."

    "I want to keep the seeds."

    Yu Qiaoman squatted down and gently opened the green leaves of the cabbage with his hands: "Although it is big, it is just ripe now, and it is still early to leave the flowers. This greenhouse can really accelerate the ripening." , but it will take twenty days if you don’t say anything.”

    “Try it.” Shen Wei said, “Maybe if something else grows tomorrow.”

    Yu Qiaoman thought for a while, then nodded: “Yes , too."

    It seems that she has fully accepted any unconventional and weird phenomena that may appear in this greenhouse.

    Imagination is a skylight. After pushing away the obstacles, it is the whole universe. In a world where zombies can appear, it is not surprising to have some giant vegetables.

    If you want to continue planting, you have to cultivate until the vegetables bloom. After flowering, you need insects or artificial pollination, and then wait for the flowers to fall off and the seed pods to mature before you can successfully save the seeds.

    Yu Qiaoman is right, even if the current greenhouse provides a 40% increase in growth efficiency, this process is still very time-consuming.

    Green leafy vegetables need to be stored in the freezer for long-term storage. At the end of the labor, a lot had been divided, but the remaining so much was enough to fill the eight bulging sacks before it was filled.

    Give them four bags, and take the remaining four bags back by yourself.

    The most error-prone freezers are only two in their dormitory building, so I have to drag and drag them into the elevator room.

    Other places in the school, such as cafeterias and supermarkets, also have freezers that can store vegetables, but power supply is a factor that may cause accidents at any time in the last days, so it is best to own this anti-natural freezer. Reassuring.

    It took a little effort on the road, but at least it can ensure that the hard-earned vegetables are safe and sound.

    The elevator went smoothly to the seventh floor.

    It's hard to imagine how difficult this process would be if the elevator hadn't been opened yet.

    After returning from the trip to the central shopping mall, a production cooperative was established by accident. Once the situation opened up, they devoted themselves to farming for several days in a row. I spend more than eight hours working with green leafy vegetables in the greenhouse every day without knowing it.

    Get up at 8:00 in the morning, take a simple wash, and eat a simple breakfast, and gather in front of the greenhouse at 8:30. This was followed by three hours of immersive labor without rest.

    Sometimes I bring fast food directly at noon, and have a picnic on the playground with my classmates, and sometimes I go upstairs to eat and take a nap.

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