Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 The City Wall Game

    What a pity.

    Who would have imagined that the first dragon boat team in the history of Tongjiang University of the Arts would surrender without even touching the dragon boat.

    However, a dragon boat opened up the road to Jingmen Town in exchange, and there is no doubt that it was a bloody profit.

    It's okay if you insist on driving a truck by land. But in such a small town, if you don't know the specific situation and don't have any acquaintances to support you, if you rush into the town, you might not even know how you died.

    As for dragon boat rowing, a sports activity that combines entertainment and competition, let's save it for the future.

    Fortunately, we set off early today, and the sun had just set to the west when we walked back.

    The clear red light was crushed and scattered on the river, sparkling with the wind.

    "Do you think the people from the School of Design are still alive?" Su Zilin asked suddenly.

    "It's hard to say." Yu Li shook his head, "That event was originally organized by their academy collectively, and there were at least two hundred people who went there. With such a large number of people, how can they disappear if they disappear?"

    Shen Not puzzled: "Well, that means, they were neither turned into zombies nor killed by the townspeople, but where were they hidden?" "It's

    not impossible." Su Zilin lowered his eyes and thought, "Jingmen The terrain of the town is complex, and they will definitely gather in places with a lot of natural scenery, where the possibility of being attacked by zombies or humans is less. Moreover, the news about zombies in Jingmen Town is earlier than that of University Town, they may He had already sensed the danger and hid in advance."

    "Don't worry, we'll investigate when we get to the town." Yu Li said softly, "There are more than 200 people, they won't disappear without reason."

    "Anyway, I believe they can survive." Shen Wei held the shotgun and said, "How should I put it, maybe it's because I have confidence in my alumni."

    Back to the river embankment, the genius had just dimmed.

    Every time after experiencing all kinds of bizarre encounters outside, the dormitory building always looks extremely warm.

    In addition to recycling seeds, the greenhouse today is also the daily cooking work. The students have already received the supplies and exchanged coupons to finish work. The last few rays of the sunset shine on the campus, which is extremely peaceful and peaceful.

    When I was away, Jiang Yun and the others were in charge of distributing the vouchers in their dormitory. When the work was handed over to her in the morning, she was so excited and her hands trembled that she almost said "Thank you, Comrade Captain!".

    The material coupons are exchanged once a week, and the next exchange period is only two days later.

    The elevator goes straight to the seventh floor. Passing by the armory, Shen Wei stopped.

    "Do you want to try it?" she said.

    Su Zilin understood what she meant, and hesitated: "But, it seems to be something from her home, what if she doesn't want us to touch it casually?"

    A shotgun in his hand cannot be put in the armory that can create miracles. It's just itchy.

    According to previous experience, the slingshot has been enhanced with unlimited firepower without charging power, the Tang knife has been enhanced to cut iron like mud (although it can only cut iron), and the current enhancement of blunt weapons is still unknown, it seems that it just stays in the Layers that feel lighter.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now