Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 Hello Alumni!

    daughter in law? ? ! !     "

    No way." Su Zilin said in a daze, "You two elders, are sister Qiaoman's parents-in-law?


, are you okay? Have you suffered a lot during this time?"

    The old lady cried, and big tears hit the stone brick floor: "You are on the other side of the river, how did you come here? Could it be that you ran with these dolls? ?”

    However, facing this series of questions, Yu Qiaoman did not intend to answer.

    She just stared at the wrinkled face of the old lady silently, letting her rough and thin scary fingers hold her hand, and was twitched by crying.

    Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, watching the strange scene.

    Sure enough, seeing that she didn't pay any attention to these questions, the old lady raised her eyes and carefully asked each word in a trembling voice: "

    Well, where's Jiaqi? Why didn't he come with you?"

    Yu Qiaoman didn't speak. .

    Seeing this, the old man raised his crutches, pushed the old lady aside roughly, and rushed in front of her.

    "Where's my son?" He shouted with red eyes, "Speak up, where is my son??!

    " Trouble."

    But the old man obviously didn't listen.

    "He has become like that too." Yu Qiaoman replied, "It's the same as those evil creatures."

    After speaking, the old lady let out a scream and sat down on the ground, almost fainting.

    "Then, he died." Yu Qiaoman silently answered.

    The old man's cheeks were flushed, "Dead? Jiaqi is dead?"

    "Yeah." Yu Qiaoman nodded, "Dead."

    It was eerily quiet.

    Judging by Yu Qiaoman's expression, she didn't seem to have any guilt or apology towards these two people, but she was worried that they would take advantage of the situation and make a bigger mess.

    Good fortune tricks people, this side cannot be escaped after all.

    "Bang!" The old man swung his cane and knocked down the flowerpot on the wooden table. The broken ceramics made a loud noise on the ground.

    "You killed him!" He roared frantically, "I knew it, it must be you who killed him!" "

    Catch him." Su Zilin immediately alerted, "Gag his mouth, quick." "

    You If you kill my son, you have to die outside with him! Go and bury him!!"

    Before he could restrain his movements, the old man rushed straight to Yu Qiaoman, pointing at her head with his crutches. Chop down.


    Yu Qiaoman dodged sideways, and the solid wooden crutch hit the big oil barrel at the door.

    "Boom, boom, boom"

    The iron oil barrel bounced three times on the ground of the empty street, not too much at one time, not too much at one time.

    Then it rolls, sending a great reverberation along the road.

    Until it rolled out of sight, and stopped at the final knock of the end.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now