Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 Redistribution/Speculation

    Waking up early in the morning, the first thing is the good news that the potatoes and radishes are ripe from [Greenhouse No. 0].

    Potato tubers are buried deep in the warm, moist soil, and because of the 100% crop harvest bonus, every piece dug up is scary. One of the largest ones shows a weight of 2 kilograms on the scale.

    The same is true for white radish, which is a huge root crop, and the largest grows to nearly 5 kilograms.

    In order to ensure the integrity of the harvest, first use a small shovel to carefully poke the surrounding soil along its top, and then use the shovel to empty out a large circle of soil around it, ensuring that most of it has been exposed and no longer hinders After that, pull it out in one go.

    When these two crops were harvested, the entire greenhouse was filled with a sense of déjà vu of the excavation site of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

    After a whole morning's work, the results are very gratifying. There are magnificent mountains of potatoes and white radish piled up next to the greenhouse.

    With everyone's careful maintenance and the help of the greenhouse, each potato plant has produced at least 12 effective fruits, and the harvest volume is much higher than expected.

    [The harvest of this crop has been completed (+100%)]

    [Total obtained:

    Potatoes: 2593

    white radishes: 730 roots]

    I estimated that the total weight of harvested potatoes is about 3500 catties, while the total weight of white radishes is 4500 about a catty.

    I don't know the progress of the planting industry in other universities, but it is obvious that the harvest of vegetables here has far exceeded.

    Among them, Lao Liu's order included 700 catties of potatoes and 500 catties of white radishes, and Wu Yan's order included 500 catties of potatoes.

    In this way, the bulk of the two orders has been easily completed.

    Potatoes and radishes don’t even need to be specially recycled, just re-bury them in the soil, and the next wave of growing season will come again tomorrow morning.

    The number of members of the production cooperatives has doubled. After a brief introduction, they have fully understood the functional buildings of the school, and re-divided work according to their interests and specialties.

    The details are as follows:

    There are 50 people in the greenhouse group.

    Among them, 20 people are responsible for daily maintenance such as insect removal, weeding, watering, and fertilization. Crop harvesting and recycling 20 people. 10 people make fertilizer and repair and maintain farm tools (it is said that there are plans to make farm tools by themselves recently).

    The infrastructure team has a total of 60 people.

    Among them, 25 people collected building materials such as stone and wood (need to go to the building materials wholesale market in University Town in groups). 20 people collected materials such as reeds, willow branches and soil along the river embankment. In addition to the construction of the city wall, recently everyone also discussed the idea of ​​connecting the two ponds and extending a canal near the dormitory area to facilitate fish farming and water for agriculture and livestock. Therefore, 15 people were dispatched to the water conservancy project inside the campus .

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