Chapter 56

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Chapter 56: The Beginning of the Class / Old Collection in the Mountains

    "Run." The girl in the security inspection team immediately jumped out a word, "Run     !

    "     Don't know what escaped those two big geese, maybe they have been wandering around the school all night.     And this means that the big goose, which has a strong sense of territory, has probably designated the entire school as its own territory without authorization.     So what are the schoolmates who suddenly poured in from outside the school at this moment?     Of course it's an intruder!     During the special period, it is definitely not allowed to run outside, so more than sixty people took the gate without hesitation and rushed into the school.     "Ah!" Xiao Sun screamed, "It pecked at my ass!"     "Quack! Quack!" The goose yelled, and its strong wings seemed to be able to fan a hurricane.     The hard beak pecked randomly in the crowd like sweeping the street, and there were all kinds of painful screams everywhere it passed.     Jiang Yun still had two colored ribbons hanging on her body, and she seemed to have just come from the direction of the supermarket. Seeing this, she shouted: "Friends, leave the Wenze Lake area first! Run to this road!" "Follow up, keep up!     " He Xingyan turned around and greeted Xiao Sun, "Stop covering your butt!"     "Thank you." When passing by him, Wan Zihan did not forget to say hello, "Then we will go first."     Although I don't know what she is thanking, but In the blink of an eye, there was no one left at the school gate.     It's nothing more than being chased by zombies.     "Remember to show them around!" Shen Wei said loudly.     "Okay!" Jiang Yun replied.     So under the warm welcome of the two big geese, the students of the friendship school successfully entered the square area of ​​the school along the path beside Wenze Lake.

    The three people who stayed in place:

    "Have we completed the task?" Shen Wei turned his head and looked at the group of quite spectacular backs.

    "Let's go and see how the three of them are getting ready." Su Zilin said.

    It was weird, so I decided to pretend nothing happened.

    There is a blackboard painting facing the entrance of the supermarket. The pattern is rigorous and creative, and a part of the school emblems of the three schools is selected and integrated together.

    In the middle is an inexplicably familiar angry red wild boar head, pig's trotters stretching out a gesture, and the text below is

    ; You absolutely can not refuse the excellent class:

    Tongjiang University of the Arts UAT Phase 1 Zombie Research Class, waiting for you to find out! ]

    "Have you seen this boar head before?" Chen Fangtong tilted his head and asked.

    After being used as a message board in the school, many new messages will appear here every day.

    All kinds of papers and post-it notes were covered on the glass door one by one. At this moment, the front door has been completely covered, and there is a faint tendency to extend to the side.

    The advertising leaflet for the establishment of the beta version of the production cooperative was also included in it. It was removed by the students who rushed to sign up, but now it seems to be glued back to it for some commemorative purpose.

    After the students from the School of Design returned to school, the concentration of villain paintings has also increased a lot, and there are also relay comics, which are very rich in content.

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