Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Preparations before going out / new ranking

    "It means that we only need to prepare materials." Yin He confirmed cautiously, "We don't really need to build the Great Wall with our own hands, right?" After thinking about the infrastructure construction

    experience that was no less than building the Great Wall with bare hands a few days ago, I can only rejoice Fortunately, the system was unlocked in time. Otherwise, when the tide of zombies comes one day, maybe everyone is still exhausted to repair the collapsed wall.

    [After each regional university opens the city wall construction station system, the system will conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on the geographical environment of the user's area, seasonal temperature and other factors, select the most suitable type of city wall for you, and automatically build it after the user collects the corresponding materials ]

    [Of course, there are many types of walls (not only walls, but all components of campus fortifications) all over the world.

    After unlocking the global material exchange center, users can log in to the (Doomsday Encyclopedia) web page to view relevant information, and share your survival tips with global beta users] Finally, a small pop-up advertisement pops up, a cute two-headed

    little A stick figure of a zombie digging with a shovel to build a wall:

    [What if you can’t survive the end of the day? If you want to understand the living conditions of global university dormitories, learn survival experience, and exchange survival materials, you can do so in the Doomsday Journal! ]

    Then, the little zombie on the stick figure turned around and flashed little yellow stars beside his face.

    The six people watched the pop-up advertisement disappear.

    "Did this thing receive any commercial sponsorship?" Lu Chaonan said, "Although the original face is ugly, there is no pop-up window, right?"

    Fallen, little zombie head!

    Now that the [City Wall Construction Station] is unlocked, the school's defensive infrastructure finally has a clear goal.

    According to the original infrastructure construction method, it is essentially no different from temporarily piling up sandbags on the battlefield. Everyone just smears the heads with cement day after day and piles them up layer by layer. Whether it is firm or not, there is no spectrum in my heart.

    There are quite a few people who have all kinds of strange skills in art universities, but there are really no people who can do civil engineering.

    Now it is finally a great convenience.

    As long as the west city wall is upgraded to level two, the other three walls will automatically unlock the basic level one.

    Follow the list of materials item by item. The first is stone materials. There are still some remaining reserves in the school, about 150 kilograms, which are collected from the unfinished carport construction site behind the multimedia teaching building. Before the rainy season, work here had been shut down early, and building materials had been left behind.

    Similarly, there are still 10 sacks of soil, which is about 200 kilograms, which is just enough to upgrade the west city wall to the second level. This was not used when everyone was repairing the red brick wall, so there is a lot left.     But there is not much wood in the first place, and the balance seems to be about 100 kilograms. It seems that if you want to obtain timber for construction, there are only two options - bring it back from the wholesale building materials market, or simply learn to cut trees yourself.     The last reeds and willow branches are easy to deal with. Along the banks of the river embankment, these two kinds of plants are the most abundant.     Especially after the plant embankment is unlocked, the reeds grow lushly. Only 50 kilograms, that is, everyone went to harvest for an afternoon.     The journey to Jingmen Town is imminent, and these tasks have to be arranged one by one.     "However, how are you going to explain this wall to them?" Su Zilin folded his arms and said.     Yu Li shook his head: "Actually, there is no need to explain too much, and it's not that they can't accept it." "     Yeah." Yin He nodded repeatedly, "Yesterday, there was a boy who just joined the infrastructure team and asked me mysteriously about Jiang's problems." How did the embankment and greenhouses be built. I’ll just say——I’ve hung them.” “     ?” Shen Wei looked trying to learn: “Then how did he answer?”     “He erected them for me. Give me a thumbs up, say wow! That’s awesome, brother!"     Everyone nodded, and decided to answer all such questions in the future.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now