Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Do you understand what street fighting is?

    Shen Wei didn't close his mouth for a long time: "This head looks like a big watermelon."

    Yin He finally came to his senses, wanting to cry without tears: "I don't want to play with synthetic big watermelon anymore."

    Yu Li waved The arm hit the chest of a zombie on the side of the car, and he turned his head and reminded: "Be careful, they are still chasing."

    The truck made a sharp turn and drove through the intersection, heading towards the square all the way.

    Lu Chaonan said, "Ten minutes to the back street."

    The zombies will never stop attacking and chasing unless they die. And the only way to get rid of them is to wipe out all the twenty-seven existing zombies.

    After several more precise hits in a row, Su Zilin neatly hit the zombie on the forehead with a steel ball. Although it cannot be directly fatal, it greatly slows down their pursuit speed.

    Yin He tried his best to hold his breath and recited the core values ​​silently, and then mustered up the courage to grab a baseball bat and swing his arms across - the

    zombie's temple actually spattered purple blood directly.

    "Did I hit it?" He stared at the club in his hand in disbelief.

    Chen Fangtong raised his hand, knocked the zombie's head out of a huge pit again, and turned to Shen Wei, who was in a hurry, and said, "Beat the head." "I'm beating the head!" Shen Wei cried helplessly, "But why

    ? I can't hit it?!"

    She stabbed the zombies at the rear of the car vigorously with a hockey stick, but instead of causing them any harm, this action made them more eager to attack.

    One of them directly opened its mouth wide and bit the stick, reaching out to grab her hockey stick, the terrifying force almost pulled Shen Wei off the truck.

    "Ahhh, help—!" she screamed.

    With sharp eyes and quick hands, Chen Fangtong held her by the waist with his left hand, and knocked with all his strength from top to bottom with his right hand according to the zombie's sky cover, directly knocking the round skull into a flat surface.

    Shen Wei didn't let go of his hand, seeing the zombie falling down like mud with the hockey stick, he dragged his schoolbag and rummaged for other weapons.

    "Are you okay?" Chen Fangtong frowned slightly and looked at her, with a rare expression on his face.

    "It's okay, it's okay."

    Before the words finished, Shen Wei's pupils dilated instantly, and he exclaimed, "Be careful!"

    Just as Chen Fangtong was about to turn around, he saw a zombie grabbing the edge of the truck with both hands at some point , with only one kick, it can jump directly into the vehicle body unimpeded.


    In the blink of an eye, a gleaming Tang knife directly pierced its throat.

    Although judging by Shen Wei's expression, she was more doubting "how did I do it?"

    Chen Fangtong did not hesitate, and made another precise headshot.

    "When did you bring this on?" Su Zilin looked at her.

    Shen Wei chuckled: "It's so pretty, I have to take it with me. Doesn't it work now?"

    On the path of the truck, the corpses of zombies and dark purple blood were paved all over the road.

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