Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    The heart is about to jump out of the chest.

    For some reason, "it" moves extremely slowly, and its strength is also weak. According to the zombies observed before, it may be because they are still in a dormant period and have not fully awakened.

    However, is it so difficult to turn on [zombies], an empty shell that is completely controlled by viruses in the brain?

    Su Zilin held his breath and mustered up the courage to look down.

    In the worst case, I picked up the credit card machine on the counter and smashed it down on the head, fighting it to the death.

    "Help, save me"

    came from the hoarse voice of a middle-aged man—

    it was a human being!

    Shen Wei and Chen Fangtong ran over when they heard the sound.

    Su Zilin quickly squatted down, only to see a man about forty or fifty years old lying face down behind the corner of the counter, he seemed to have struggled to get to this position from the back kitchen.

    She took his weak, trembling hands. The skin on his hands was dry and pale, indicating that his current physical condition was not optimistic.

    "There is insulin on the kitchen stove." He gasped hoarsely, "Please" "

    Okay, don't worry, I'll go right away." Su Zilin immediately got up, turned and ran to the back kitchen. There was indeed an opened box of insulin on the stove, and several empty needles rolled to the ground.

    After taking out a new syringe, Su Zilin's movements suddenly stopped.

    "What's the matter?" Shen Wei asked anxiously from the side, "Why did you stop?"

    "I" Su Zilin gritted his teeth, "I don't know how to give injections."

    Chen Fangtong said suddenly: "Didn't you give injections to Barbie dolls when you were young?" ?”

    “Yes, yes, but”

    “That’s it.” She said, “You can stab him.”

    “Uncle, bear with it.” Su Zilin took a deep breath.

    The needle goes into the upper arm.


    Insulin gets into the skin little by little.

    "The manual says to stay for 20 seconds." Shen Wei flipped through it.

    An incomparably long time.

    The man's breathing was a little bit steady, and cold sweat continued to ooze from his forehead.

    "It's time, pull out the needle." Shen Wei frowned looking at the text in the instruction manual, "Then use a cotton swab, but we don't seem to have cotton swabs, so you can make do with a tissue." Watching Su Zilin's movements, Chen Fangtong commented in a low voice:

    " It's too cruel."

    After a lot of operations that seemed to be stable on the outside, the man finally opened his eyes.

    The three helped him sit up.

    The remaining sugar-free mixed vegetable juice in the refrigerator was much more surprising. Su Zilin unscrewed a bottle and slowly put it into his mouth.

    After taking the initiative to drink it, it means that the situation has improved.

    "What happened?" Shen Wei asked.

Zombie Broke Out, But Woman's Dormitories Stock UpWhere stories live. Discover now