Untitled Part 29

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[9 Chapters today so that I can leave this little ad: Support by reading ahead or leaving a review on NU! Premium is 140 chapters ahead. Cheers!]

Chapter 479: Faithful servant (2)

"Shouldn't I go with you?"

"It's fine. I'm not going too far. I'm just going to check it out personally. There seems to be something strange about this."

"Ugh. I don't know, but... anyway, please have a safe trip."

"Please be careful at all times, Honorary Cardinal. May Elune's protection be with you..."

"You don't have to worry, Elena."

As I said my farewell to Sun Hee-young, Park Deokgu, Elena, and other guild members one by one, time got delayed further.

'It's not a big deal. There's something a bit weird, so I'll just find out what I need to know and come back right away.'

I claimed that, but everyone seemed anxious because of the lack of information.

Of course, it wouldn't be bad to go as a guild, but... for the upcoming big event, it was better to go with Jung Hayan only.

In fact, there was no guarantee that Belial had been summoned. I still didn't know if Jung Hayan and Han Sora summoned the demon, but even if they succeeded in summoning the 72nd Lord, it was unlikely that it would be Belial.


'It feels strangely familiar...'

Looking at the northwest's friendly magic power, I thought I could assume that I was right to some extent. I was the contractor who had signed a temporary contract with Belial once... and I had never been wrong with that kind of feeling. My ears kept ringing.

It seemed like he wanted to keep communicating with me, but it felt like there was a continuous disturbance. Perhaps the incompetent, bankrupt Benignore and heartless Elune trash were cutting off our connection.

As I got on White Paul, patting him as I hadn't seen him in a long time, Jung Hayan hugged me tightly.

'Fuck. I can't breathe. Is this a Heimlich Maneuver or what?'

I coughed for a second, but she didn't have any intention of releasing me. I felt like she was thinking about never letting me go, so I could tell her obsessive symptoms had gone through a relapse.

Of course, she usually stuck to me in the same way, but this was because I knew she wasn't good at controlling her strength at times like that. She had a really refreshing face, which was quite in contrast to those around us.

It even made me glance carefully at them.

Of course, I could understand her. No one could be upset, considering that the Federation was being smashed even at that moment.

If I assumed that Jung Hayan was overhearing what Kim Hyunsung and I talked about...

'She would be even happier.'

It only lasted for a second, but I had to organize the information in my head.

Considering that Kylie Yale from Federation had stuck to Kim Hyunsung for a while, I thought there was a conversation that happened.

Step 1 was when Kylie Yale muttered the story of my recent conduct to Kim Hyunsung or Jung Hayan.

She would probably have said something about women, and our Hayan would have reacted when she heard it.

'I guess Kylie Yale is hooked up there.'

Since continuing education had been effective, she had put up with it very well.

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