Untitled Part 55

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Chapter 505: What He Wants (3)

I wasn't scared at all. Hyunsung's face was becoming darker, but he hadn't been trying to threaten or harm me.

Rather, with an expression that seemed even a little sad, I looked straight into his eyes. I wasn't very pleased being pushed against the wall, though.

It was then that the guy who was staring at my face lowered his head slowly.

His shoulders intermittently shaking seemed to represent his true feelings. He didn't deny or affirm what I had said, but it seemed that he didn't want to accept it just by looking at the atmosphere.

As I frowned as if it was painful, he slowly stepped back with a startled face, but the reaction itself was as if he still didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't know, my ass..."

"Let's stop here for today."

"What do you mean stop, you bastard? Look straight into my eyes. Are you really going to end it all here?"

"It seems like you haven't completely returned to your mind yet."

"It's you, not me, who's gone nuts."

Watching him take care of his luggage calmly while turning his back silently, I began to get angry. It was because I could understand him a bit.

"You seem to be very tired."

"Don't change the subject."



"Why are you saying that?"

"You know why better than I do, Kim Hyunsung."

"I'm tired now. I don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to talk about this either. Please stop."

"You are not exhausted. You are running away. Do you really want to rot here forever?"

"That's none of your business."

"What will the people who are following you do?"

"Stop... now."

"Are you going to let them die?"

"I don't want to see them die. I don't want that to happen."

"They will die in a place where you won't see them. That will turn into reality if you don't wake up, you dumbass."

"Yes, I am someone who has already failed once. If I leave this place, nothing will change. Eventually, the situation as it is now will come. Kiyoung won't be there too. I'll watch everyone die again. I don't care if you blame me. But I am not confident to handle it. So please stop now."

"A lot has already changed."

"That's... because of you."

"It changed because you saved me. You idiot, no one ever told you to hold a heavy burden alone, and no one ever asked you to watch them die. Don't talk like it's all over because you slipped once. Don't even think of finishing it like this."

"Didn't I tell you to stop now?"

"Stop, my ass! You crazy bastard."

"Shit! What do you know! What do you know!"


"Damn, damn it! Don't imitate him. Don't imitate him. Shit! Don't appear that way and force me to take responsibility. Don't show up like this and force me to take responsibility. I never said I wanted to start over. I never asked anybody to do it again! So leave me alone. Please stop! Leave me alone! Don't force me to take responsibility anymore! You motherfuckers! Fuck, don't force me to take responsibility, fuck..."

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