Untitled Part 147

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Chapter 597: Eraser in my Head (4)


[I asked if that was the only thing you needed.]


[You are exactly as I've seen, heard about, and read about. I can't say you're a particularly wicked person, but you're the first person I've met to own a soul so disgusting. It feels really fun to have a conversation like this.]

It was only for a moment, but I was startled by that voice. The flattering instinct toward those in power already engraved in my body made me speak without my knowledge.

'Gosh... I don't know who you are, but it is an honor, nay, an overwhelming honor to be able to speak to you like this. I'm flattered to hear your beautiful voice. What kind of business do you have in mind that needs this inferior mortal?'

[Inferior? It doesn't suit you at all. You're already different from ordinary insects, so how could I dismiss you as inferior like other humans? I know that you already talked to Belial, that kid... Am I wrong?]

'Belial was just generous with this inferior human. How could I stand on the same line as the supreme demons?'

[I don't know. Many want to work with you besides Belial. Paimon, Vasin, Molech, and the 72nd Corps, all the demons that desire the same as me are waiting for you.]

'It's such an honor.'

Who the hell was it?

That thought passed through my head. One thing I was convinced of was that the demon talking to me was not an ordinary demon. I expected that much the moment it gave the demon contractors a lot of power, but I couldn't think straight under the sudden situation.

"Are you okay? Vice Guild Master! Vice Guild Master!"

'Fuck... What should I do?'

I couldn't come up with anything, and Cho Hyejin was biting her lips tightly and examining my movements, making me realize that the timing to have the conversation with the demon wasn't all that good.

Didn't that kind of suspicion arise because of my conversation with Benignore in the first place?

I wasn't sure how Cho Hyejin, who just gave and received stories with tears, would be able to take what was happening.

I didn't even know why such a great and noble demon personally spoke to me at that timing.

I wondered if it was enjoying me being in trouble. All demons had a spiteful side, after all.

"P-Please, wait for me outside for a second. I have something urgent to do... it's nothing dangerous, so let me be alone for a minute. I'm really fine."

"Are you feeling any pain? What do I... how... how do I... I will bring in a priest. You shouldn't stay here..."

'No, I'm fine, so leave me alone, fuck. It's something important, Hyejin. It's really important.'

"I'm... really fine. So... just for... a minute... just for a minute, don't intervene... and please let me be. It's not something that can be solved with divine power. And it's not that I'm sick. I'm just dazed... You don't even have to worry at all."

The situation was gradually getting worse. How could I focus on the other conversation when Cho Hyejin, who was currently looking at me with desperation, hadn't even left the room yet?

I bit my lips firmly at the thought that the misunderstanding might get bigger than I thought, but I couldn't miss such an opportunity.

The demon was an executive.

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