Untitled Part 114

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Chapter 564: The Continent After 1 Year (2)

"Yup, this makes my life worth living. This drink tastes amazing."

"I understand, but please get dressed. Why do you have to stay bare-chested?"

"Oh, I still had nothing on? You should've told me."

"I told you when you came in."

"Well, does it matter? Here, drink another cup. Oh, it's so delicious. Wouldn't this drink make us want to stay here longer?"

"I think this drink is famous in this area. I'd like to take this with me too."

"Buy a bottle before you leave. Or you can ask the supervisors around here for one. I'm sure they'll give you some for free because both of your performances are so good."

"Huh? Can I?"

"Yes, of course. You guys do so much work in a day. Let's say cheers one more time and wrap it up. Any more, and we won't be able to work properly tomorrow."

After finishing off another cup quickly, they got ready to go back to their lodgings. All the other guys seemed like they wanted to stay longer, but...

'They must still think they're in their 20s.'

I watched them walking shoulder-to-shoulder. Because I was bored, I took out the Goddess's Hand Mirror and checked out the post I posted earlier. I remembered the person who had said that they would come back with evidence after an hour.

"Huh, Nature Lover... was really a Blue Guild employee."

Their Blue Guild Insignia and Employee ID were clearly certified.

All the comments written by No ID were deleted, and people were posting comments and treating my post as a holy place.

[Dirt Poor: Wow, lol. It was real. Receiving good energy from here.]

[JeremWhoCantHeal: Tell me how you got a job at the Blue Guild. I haven't seen a public recruitment post lately...]

[Tresha: No ID, you've been talking nonsense and ran off. LOL. Look at how many dislikes he has.]

[Lindel Village Resident: The poster is safe, right? I'm glad nothing much happened, but... I'm nervous because there are no more comments.]

[Dirt Poor: Must have slipped out in the middle. Lolol, how could the monsters have gone all the way to that area? The middle area is famous for not having monsters... They probably settled in a nearby forest. More than that, the badge doesn't look like a regular guild employee... I think you must at least be a team leader level.]

The comments were making me laugh, and I heard a faint sound come from a distance.

'What's that noise?'

The night was so dark I couldn't see anything properly, but when I looked forward with a crumpled face, I saw strange shapes that seemed to be moving from afar.

'What's that?'

It was a scene that I hadn't seen for nearly a year.

"Mr. Choi, what is that? Isn't that a monster?"

"Why would there be monsters in this area...? Why would they suddenly show themselves here? You must be very drunk."

"No, I'm not drunk, but..."

'Where is the workshop? I think the monsters are moving North. Be careful if you are in a workshop near the middle. Monsters near Lindel are not only disappearing but evacuating. It seems the world is really going to end.'

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