776 🩺 Twas The Story Of Our Lives

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Eve ♡


When Heejin daintily sucked up the last of the ramen hanging from his lips, the end whipped up, putting a dot of spicy soup on his nose, and as those dark irises went cross eyed, staring down at it, it was impossible not to laugh at the face he made, and as he covered his amused laugh, Luna mirrored him.

It was almost impossible to believe that he had become more or less friends with Heejin and Luna. Sure, it had taken a while for him to start to feel more himself around them, however at some point, he had begun to enjoy their weekly lunches.

And as they sat in their usual booth at the end of the airy restaurant with bowls of ramen soup before them, he found himself feeling light as he stared across at Heejin and his pepper-painted nose.

'Oh my god, I wish I'd gotten a photo of that,' Luna breathed from beside him as they watched the brunette dab at his nose with a napkin—his freckly cheeks blushing peach. 'Lee would have loved it.'

'Aww Noona~a~' Heejin complained, his cheeks turning from peach to crimson. 'Don't make me blush!'

Oh how Heejin reminded him of his brother.

'It's not my fault if Lee's turned sappy,' Luna scoffed, turning her nose up, before with a laugh, she leant back in her seat. 'Last time I saw him, he talked for nearly an hour about your freckles.'

Chuckling to himself, he watched as Heejin's cheeks flared, racing to cover them with his hands. 'He didn't...' he murmured, embarrassed.

'He did, and I'm fairly sure even Kim was about to throttle him to shut him up.'

Smirking at the thought of the eldest in their group strangling his best friend after having had an earful of his lovesick rambling, he dipped his spoon into his ramen and took a sip of the broth. The taste was mouthwatering, and he let his eyes flutter closed and hummed softly to himself.

Since meeting Jongho's friend group, he'd had dinner with them a few times more, feeling slightly less awkward and uncomfortable each time he met them. However while he hadn't been able to exactly tell Jongho, he did kind of feel like he didn't fit very well into their group. It wasn't so much that he felt unwelcome or that he disliked them. It just seemed more like they were very different people in very different stages of their lives.

Either that, or he wasn't cut out for having nine hundred friends. Seonghwa didn't really count seeing as he was married to his Hyung and lived with them, and San didn't count either, considering he was positive one day he'd end up as his brother-in-law. Mingi was probably the one he was closest with, and although Yunho felt more distant, he suspected that was just because of the kind of friendship they had.

What was more, now, despite the fact that he'd once spent his time hoping he'd never have to lay eyes on anything that would remind him of Jongho's past mistakes again, he had somehow come to thoroughly enjoy talking to Luna, and Heejin was too sweet and reminded him too much of his brother to ever drift away from.

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