828 🩺 A Friendly Convo

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Eve ♡


Sitting at one end of the couch in Seonghwa's old studio apartment, leaning back into Yunho's chest, Mingi giggled, feeling light hearted. 'You're joking?' he breathed, nibbling on the tip of his pinky nail. Yunho's hands were wrapped around his waist from behind to rest on his stomach, brushing lightly, and quietly, now and again, he pressed a soft kiss into the back of his neck.

However it wasn't Yunho he was talking to.

Sitting on the other end of the couch with a blanket pulled over his lap, Wooyoung shook his head, a soft blush on his cheeks. 'I'm totally serious.'

'But that book of yours went missing months ago!' he breathed. 'And Margaret had had it this whole time?'

The blonde nodded, amusement across his face. 'The one and only.'

'Wow,' he breathed. 'Progressive. You should have asked her what she thought about the smut scenes,' he teased, because the last thing he'd expected, was for Wooyoung's missing LGBTQIA+ girl/girl romance novel to have been stolen straight off his desk under his nose by his over fifties public servant coworker.

'I intend on it,' Wooyoung said, lips pinched in a small smile in the corner. Dark, mascara laced lashes blinking gently in amusement, his gaze was down at the bunny in his fingertips—the rattle worn out of it, but still squishy—and although he looked entertained, there still seemed to be something on his mind...

Patiently, he hadn't asked, waiting until he felt ready to talk... If, he wanted to at all...

However as their giggles simmered out and he felt a soft shiver slip down his spine from lips pressing to his nape, he saw the moment dark thoughts crossed those eyes.

'I had my psych appointment yesterday...'

Pride surged in him. He'd never once seen him before his appointments, however he'd heard about them, and he knew from his own experiences that even without a phobia of healthcare staff, therapy sessions were hard. Having a set time to sit down and be reminded that you had lost someone, or in Wooyoung's case, multiple someone's, you loved and missed more than anything else in the world...

There was nothing more painful.

He nudged him proudly with his foot, and saw the moment Wooyoung broke from his faraway distant look, to glance up at him with a smile.

'It went really well, I think,' Wooyoung said sweetly. 'I think I feel better about it... I have another one on Saturday...'

'Saturday?' he asked in surprise. 'Yang Saem works weekends?'

'No, but she said she would for me... I told her I could do Friday, but she said it was okay. That way it's not so close to yesterday...'

He smiled. 'She's my favourite,' he breathed. He'd always liked Yang Saem. He'd met her during his first degree in physiotherapy, and since then saw her frequently at the hospital on prac these days. Now and again, he sat with her at lunch, gossiping like teenagers over books and movies and distant hospital drama. She was just so non-doctor like that it was refreshing~

'So how do you feel now? After yesterday,' he asked lightly, tracing his fingertips over the back of Yunho's hand on his stomach.

Wooyoung beamed. 'Like I've won a war. It's great.'

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