802 🩺 I Just Want Your Love

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Eve ♡


Waking to a bright shine of morning sunlight kissing the earth and beaming in through his windows, Wooyoung hummed, arching out for a cat stretch that felt good for his tired body. Sinking into the mattress beneath his summer throw, as he curled back into a ball to ward off the slight briskness, he decided he would finally give in and add another blanket to his bed that day. One of his cozy ones he really liked.

He shivered in anticipation. He loved the feeling of weight above him to tuck him in all snug at night.

A small smile formed on his lips as he rested heavily.

However as he curled his legs, they bumped against something...

And his heart warmed.

Rolling onto his side, he rested his cheek against San's shoulder, hugging his hands through his elbow. However while he was happy to have awoken beside him, a darker niggling feeling crept into his consciousness.

Something was wrong with San.

Ever since he had come back from his quiet, he'd felt that something was wrong. It didn't matter how many times he returned his smile, or how many soft kisses he pressed into the top of his head.

There was just something missing.

And although they had laid beside one another all night, he already knew San had barely slept. He was a culprit of rolling around, bear-hugging anything and everything, stealing the blankets and nuzzling into his pillows. He was such a baby in his sleep—adorable, even though it often awoke him through the night.

However to his dismay, San was still laying on his back, much the same as he had been when they'd gone to bed, and each time he woke thereafter.

He tried really, really hard not to think too hard about it.

Instead, he hazily blinked some focus into his eyes and flicked them up to gaze at his boyfriend's handsome face...

His heart jolted when he saw that his eyes were open, staring at the ceiling. One hand propped under his head, he must have sensed he was being watched, for gently, his gaze shifted to meet his, but unlike every other morning, that dopey, too-happy smile didn't creepy onto his lips, moments before he would pepper him in kisses.

He tried really, really hard, not to be hurt by the way he didn't move.

'Morning Sannie~' he hummed sweetly, pressing a soft kiss into his shoulder. His heart fluttered as a tiny little purse of his lips formed the smallest of smiles, before he leant in to peck him softly good morning.

He wasn't used to the sullenness to his disposition...

'Did you sleep well?' he asked, already knowing the answer was no. He swallowed, praying that maybe, by some chance, he might hear that three letter word instead...

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