845 🩺 Paradise Is Crumbling

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Eve ♡


Days Later~

It felt bittersweet laying in Jongho's bed in his arms, sinking back into his chest, but feeling like they were on opposite sides of the globe. He'd smiled when Jongho had picked him up from work, and he'd nodded and said he was fine when Jongho had hugged him at his car, asking if he was okay, but inside, he couldn't ignore the shadows following him...

Following them.

Their broken relationship...

Having their delicate happiness shattered by a rift in his trust, seeing him staring at someone else...

Realising, he couldn't trust the man he loved...

But yet still going to him... Laying in his arms, kissing him sweetly... Holding on tight...

'Sang,' Jongho murmured softly by his ear, his warmth radiating over him and blanketing him in safety.

He knew what Jongho would say, just by the heavy tone of his voice. 'I know,' he whispered, slowly blinking and taking in the dark navy of sheets he'd spent so many nights in, but had already begun to miss.

There was a long silence, complete still between and around them—their own breath barely scratching the surface—and with it, a kind of acceptance settled...

One that ripped so deep into his heart and soul that he was past tears... Too hurt to even react.

Gently, he rolled over to face him, resting his head gently back down upon his arm and tucking his hands between them. It wasn't until he realised he wasn't tracking patterns, that he realised, for months, he'd been doing it religiously, savouring the feeling in case it would be the last time he would get to touch him like that again.

He wondered what meant for now, resting totally still against him, feeling safety and content melt through him in a painful, bittersweet kind of way.

'Tomorrow,' he said softly.

Jongho didn't reply, nor did he move, but the pain that hit him was somehow so obvious... Flooded him and spilled into the tenderness of his embrace...

So he feels it too...

He didn't know whether finally giving them an expiry date made it hurt more or less.

In a way, it felt like walking to his own hanging... An inevitable end that would change everything, forever...

He blinked his eyes closed and shuffled the tiny distance between them until his forehead touched to his chest, and he could slip his hands around his waist. Blinking his eyes back open, he stared at the black fabric to his shirt and felt the sensation of Jongho readjusting his embrace, holding him closer, lull him into a false sense of security, because with it, the silence was both a relief and an agony.

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