926 🩺 Of The Many Beautiful Shades Of Love ♡

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Eve ♡


One o'clock in the morning, Hongjoong felt giddily happy as he sat on the rug before the couch and leant back into the sofa—his husband's arm outstretched along the cushion behind him. He felt wonderfully calm in the low light, sharing the night chatting between them, alongside Yeosang, Wooyoung and San with wine glasses and beers in hand.

He'd hoped that Mingi and Yunho could join them, but with Mingi sick, it had ended up being just the five of them. Taking a sip of his red wine—the soles of his feet tingling as his husband idly tickled his toes against him—he chuckled as he watched Wooyoung smack San in the chest for accusing Seonghwa of teasing him when they'd been younger in high school.

'How could you accuse our beloved Seonghwa of being mean!?' the blonde gasped, blinking determined smokey eyes up at his particularly clingy boyfriend beside him. 'He's so sweet! He would never!'

'Oooh, but he did!' San argued back, his voice quite a few shades less brute man than he'd ever heard it before.

Yeosang giggled over his wine, and beside him, Seonghwa snorted. 'How dare you? I would never tease you for your little pout~'

San's eyes widened in a cute kind of way that made him realise what Wooyoung had meant when he'd said San could be less of a man when he stopped being so conscious of his own actions, and as his cheeks went puffy, Wooyoung cooed, pinching them and then pouncing a kiss into the tip of his nose.

'Sannie bear, why are you the most adorable little thing when you're drunk?' the blonde asked, fussing over him and his alcohol-blushed cheeks.

San whined, snuggling his nose into Wooyoung's neck, and if it hadn't been obvious before then how much that man loved Wooyoung, then it sure as fuck was now.

'How is he so drunk already?' he asked, mostly talking to Seonghwa. 'He only had half a beer.'

'He's always had a low tolerance,' Seonghwa replied, still brushing his toes underneath his foot.

'And I thought I was bad,' Yeosang muttered, rolling his eyes as he took a tentatively small sip of his wine. He'd finished San's beer for him, but that had been it, and for good reason. He tended to behave in rather strange ways after a couple drinks.

Then again, they all seemed to be rather tipsy.

Maybe that was why he said something he'd never imagined saying had he been sober. 'Sang, why didn't you bring Jongho in with you after you got back from the park?' He'd kind of just assumed the Devil would be back in their flat again, and judging by their tender kiss goodbye—that he'd accidentally and very regretfully borne witness to whilst taking out their bins—he'd also kind of wondered whether tonight would be the night Yeosang would let the man stay the night.

He'd been surprised when the brunette had come up alone.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking too, but maybe... Maybe, he was even a little disappointed to see him without him?...

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