785 🩺 As Happy As Noodles

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Eve ♡


The weather was beautiful in Busan, perfect for a day of lounging around at the park in the sun. There were kids squealing happily as they flew colourful kites high up in the sky, and small dogs were playing with a ball a ways away, and under a big bushy tree laying on a rug, two boys lounged, enjoying the peace.

Tearing his eyes from his book, Yunho let them drag over Mingi sitting beside him. He looked effortlessly beautiful, studying diligently. He had a textbook open beside him and his laptop beside that, and with a highlighter pinched between his teeth, he made studying look easy. There was a scattering of pens and things around them both, but he didn't mind, because laying beside Mingi, propped up on his elbow with a hand silky caressing the top of his thigh under his shorts, Yunho was content as he was.

He quite thought he could get used to this. Not doing anything, away from the world, just the two of them sharing wordless company...

Leaning towards him, he pressed his lips into the top of his hip over his shirt and shorts, simultaneously smoothing his hand out over his thigh and feeling his heart warm when it drew Mingi's attention. It caused him to dive his fingers through his hair and pull his eyes from his textbook, and the smile he gave him through his highlighter was beautiful.

Not wanting to disturb him, he smiled back, caressing his thigh without even realising he was doing it anymore, before returning back down onto his elbow, and to his book. Wooyoung's book, to be more specific.

He was about half way through, maybe a little less than, though he swore, judging by the things he had read, anyone would have thought he was nearly finished.

Page one had been eye opening, to put it plainly, and it had only gotten more intense with every page turned.

Scanning back over the page, he looked for the place he'd been up to, however the moment he returned to the words, he realised why he'd drifted off in the first place.

He had no fucking idea what was happening.

There was some serious sex going on, that much he could gather, if not just from the sheer number of times the word cock had been printed across the two page spread. It was just that logistically, he had no fucking idea what said cock, was doing, for it didn't seem physically possible what the author had written...

Idly brushing his fingers over Mingi's thigh in a roughly circular pattern, he let go for a moment to turn his page back, frowning as he revisited the place he'd at least been following.

Turning the page back, he let his hand gravitate back to Mingi's thigh without even needing to look, reading through the paragraphs...

Until he was stumped all over again.

August was the name of the guy of whom he'd come to learn was referred to as the bottom, and for god knew what reason, he had let Xander strip him naked and tie his wrists together, to attach them to the leg of a chair in a lavish bedroom.

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