871 🩺 The Ultimate Character Development

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Eve ♡


'Aww it's okay baby,' Mingi's voice rang through his phone, sad, to match his expression on his FaceTime call. 'It'll be super late when I get my next break.'

Yunho's heart throbbed as he rolled over onto his stomach on his bed, propping his phone up against his pillow and putting his chin on his hands, gazing up at Mingi eating his dinner in one of the on-call rooms at the hospital. He looked bright and happy, so clearly enjoying his practicum, however there were shadows under his lower lashes... 'Min... Did you get enough sleep today?'... Worry worked its way into him and set its claws into his chest.

However Mingi's lips went pouty, blinking up at him through the phone screen. 'Any more sleep and I'll die,' he said dramatically, before stuffing instant ramen into his mouth and exhaling violently as it steamed with heat.

He wanted so fucking badly to tell him to go slowly... Not to burn his tongue and eat so quickly that he would feel sick later...

However he held his tongue. He remembered what it was like working in the hospitals... Not being sure when your break would be cut short... Taking full advantage of what little time you had to rest your feet and stuff your mouth with food to avoid ending up working on an empty stomach...

He didn't fucking miss it, that was for sure, and he would spend the rest of his life taking full advantage of every single minute of his allocated breaks.

However he wished Mingi could have that too... Even though he knew how much more Mingi loved medicine than he had...

'Meek,' came a sudden squeaking sound...

And closing his eyes, he prayed Mingi hadn't heard it. Letting out a deep breath, he blinked his eyes open and glanced at the cardboard box on his desk with the kitten he still hadn't been able to get rid of, after four more hours of searching after work. He was starting to worry he'd never be able to hand it off...


Snapping back, his heart throbbed when he saw Mingi's concerned expression.

'Are you okay baby? You look troubled all of a sudden...'

Troubled, was one way to put it he guessed.

He forced himself not to think about his problem, or the guilt that was starting to set in at the thought of potentially having to burden Mingi with it when he got back from Seoul. 'I'm okay,' he said. 'Just thinking...'

Mingi nibbled on his lip, before suddenly moving closer to the screen, smiling playfully. 'Thinking about dinner with your beloved family?~' he teased.

Oh, he didn't want to think about it. It had been painful, for lack of a better word, and while he'd prayed that they wouldn't bring up the marriage thing again, his mother had tried...

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