810 🃏 Not Yet, Fam. Soon 👀✨

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Eve ♡


A/N: Also, I forgot to say hi to the new guys who have just caught up with the story lmao. Haiiii Hope you've enjoyed lmao. Can't believe how fast u read, jesus 👀

Past midnight, admittedly maybe three shots too many in his system, and carrying around a sense of impending doom, Jae thought it was getting harder and harder to return home. Over the years, he had gone through phases. First, it had been grief, then an adjustment period that went on forever, then exhaustion, followed by acceptance, and last of all had come daily life. Every year that went by was just another that dragged on like the last.

Nothing ever changed.

Life was predictable. Every morning would be like the one before it, and counting on the bullshit to rear its head was like counting on the sun going down at the end of the shitty day, completing the cycle of the same old routine all over again.

For once, he wished something would take him by surprise.

But not in the way he had coming...

Dragging his feet along the pavement, he sucked in a deep breath of the brisk night air and stared up at the night sky. There were fuck-all stars up there—he hated the city, with its squillions of lights no one ever seemed to think about turning off. He wondered how the hell they paid their electricity bills...

'Man are you sure you're going to be alright?'

Huffing out a deep breath, he jammed his hands in his pockets. 'You don't need to walk me home like some damsel in distress,' he said, rolling his eyes. He instantly regretted it, for his brain hurt like a bitch. He put the heel of his hand to his temple, squeezing his eyes shut to counter the throb in his skull...

However with too much alcohol in his system, he stumbled, feet catching on god—only-knew-what, and with one hand stuck in his pocket and the other flailing, he prepared mentally to hit the ground...

Only instead of his nose being crushed into the cracked up, chipped pavement, it ended up smacking into something far softer, with a deeply strong backdrop...

Into Kim's fucking chest.

Why did the world hate him? It was like he was being punished.

Accepting his fate, he decided it was all or nothing, and so lulling forward into him entirely, he let his eyes fall heavy as he waited for the snarky remark. He could already hear it in his head. Want me that bad, do you? You could have just asked.

Hating that nothing ever went his way, he waited, feeling the steadiness of sheer muscle against his cheek...

Only, the taunt never came.

Frowning, he took a deep breath, noticing strangely that his scent wasn't dripping with that fucking cologne he always seemed to douse himself in—playboy scent. Was he really not going to take his golden opportunity at having a stab?

Finding his balance once more, he stepped back and removed himself from his front, and for just a split second, his eyes flickered over the place his face had just been smooshed against over his hoodie-covered chest...

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