772 🩺 Grey Or Blue?

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Eve ♡


'Ya! I'm serious, Sang. I have to go to work!'

Pouting from his comfortable place in Jongho's bed, Yeosang pulled the blankets up over his near-naked body. 'I'm not trying to seduce you. I just want a hug,' he complained. 'You still have almost two hours to get ready for work. Please? Just one hug?'

He felt like a child begging for attention, but he couldn't help it. Every night he spent in Jongho's bed was a night that turned into a morning where they had to part, and he wasn't very good at letting go. He felt lonely the moment Jongho got out of bed, and although he'd never really considered himself as a "sleeper-in," he was beginning to think that compared to Jongho, he really was part of that category after all.

'Please?' he begged, batting his lashes at him. Wearing Jongho's navy silk button down pyjama top and buried under his tall puffy doona, he was encased in his warm scent, and it made him want more of it, straight from the source.


Sighing, Jongho dropped his bag down by the door, giving in.

And triumphant, he couldn't contain his smile as he pulled back the blankets to engulf him with him, heart fluttering as the brunette opened his arms for him to cuddle in against his warm chest.

'You are so cuddly in the mornings,' Jongho breathed, reaching up and tucking a tuft of hair behind his ear, before kissing him on the top of his head.

Humming contently, he leaned his knees into his lap and sunk into his chest, letting his eyes blink shut. 'I don't like that you have to go to work,' he complained. It was only day two, and he already hated it.

Jongho however chuckled, tucking the blankets around him. 'Did you forget that you have a job as well?' he asked, no doubt with that handsome smirk upon his lips.

He pouted. 'No,' he replied with a frown. 'But my job isn't every day, and I can still sleep in most mornings...' Could still sleep in, in Jongho's bed, and cuddle with him until it was time to return home to get ready...

Chuckling lightly, Jongho hugged his warm arms around him and began methodically brushing his thumb over his side, gently resting his head down against his.

He felt so calm like that... Felt like Jongho calmed down too. Weeks ago, he'd been so nervous when he'd attended his interview, pacing back and forth at the end of his bed for what felt like forever, practicing his interview questions. Picking him up after his interview too, he'd found Jongho devastated, positive he'd "ruined it" by messing up so badly and being "uncovered" as a "child parading as an adult"...

That night, hours after they'd gone to bed and the brunette had thought he was asleep, Jongho had cried softly into the night...

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