937 🩺 Just Home Alone Things

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Eve ♡


Freshly showered, when Jongho walked into his room and found his boyfriend laying on his bed, he couldn't help it. Seeing him there, laying on his stomach, flicking through his computer with his ankles in the air... It made a smirk creep onto his face. The door had been left open—old habits clearly died hard—and Yeosang was concentrating so hard, squishing something in his fingers as he navigated with his other hand on the mousepad.

He looked somewhere between hot as fuck and adorable as hell, and he couldn't decide which one was more predominant.

And so leaning against the doorframe, he crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. 'Whatcha doing in here?' he asked, unable to keep the amusement from his voice.

Yeosang's eyes were so adorably round as he looked up in surprise, before those same irises skimmed over his body—sweatpants and no shirt, with his towel swung over his shoulder. He licked his lips slowly, eyes catching somewhere below the level of his eyes for a long, long few moments, before apparently satisfied, he returned to squishing whatever it was in his hand, glancing back at his laptop screen. 'Booking a therapy appointment,' he replied, too casually.

Now that took him by surprise. Stepping inside and closing his door behind him, he dumped his wet towel over the back of his desk chair and then climbed up onto bed beside him. Laying on his side, hooking a thigh over the backs of his legs, he pressed a kiss into the back of his head before glancing over his computer screen. He didn't know why he was still shocked that it appeared he really was booking therapy.

'Mmm, I see...'

Yeosang huffed. 'Come on, say it. Get it over with.'

He snorted. 'Say what exactly?'

'I told you so,' Yeosang groaned, collapsing his head down over his forearms.

He laughed, ruffling the back of his fluffy hair with his nose and breathing in his freshly showered scent. 'I would never.'

Yeosang groaned, his voice muffled as he replied, 'you absolutely would.'

He smirked, rolling onto his back and weaving an arm underneath his chest, encouraging him to shift closer and to his side. He was pretty damn happy with the way not only did Yeosang come closer, but the way he climbed on top of him, resting his elbows on the bed either side of him with his head atop his hands, propped above his.

'So I take it you talked to your brother about anxiety.'

Yeosang sighed, seemingly half between genuinely being upset, but also frustrated that he had to admit so. 'Yes, I did. And bonus, it appears he thinks I had a panic attack this morning, so I guess there's a first for everything.'

His eyes widened as he stared up at him, and as shock and concern ripped through him, he abruptly flipped him onto his back, rolling on top of his body and staring down at him. 'Are you okay?' he asked in all seriousness...

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