911 🩺 Love Ms Choi

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Eve ♡


Sangie ♥️ 

Call the devil
This is your first and final reminder

... What if I have already?..

U'd be lying
Call him
Or better yet, go see him
I hear the devil loves dragging people into his lair 🙄

He is not the devil

... Fine.


One might have thought he'd get better at using his brain under stress, but despite the fact that Yeosang could literally perform surgery under high pressure, he still could not manage to think outside of his box when things got tough...

And so feeling guilt wallowing around in his gut, as he raised his knuckles to Jongho's door, he wished he was better than he was... Better than the man he was standing at his door, knowing full well that he looked like shit, and had forgotten all about the rest of the world outside his troubles—that world including his own boyfriend.

Wooyoung moving most of his things out of their flat had really thrown him off his feet, and tested his ability to cope on his own...

Only to realise that it had never been Wooyoung leaning on him, but rather, evidently, the other way around.

Biting into his lip nervously, he tapped his knuckles on the door again, becoming suddenly unsure. Maybe he should have called first. What if he wasn't home? Or worse, what if he answered, but didn't want to see him?

Swallowing, he felt disappointment settling in the longer he was left standing in the hallway, and it made him realise just how badly he'd been hoping for Jongho to suddenly appear. Beyond that door, he realised, was a kind of safe space he'd tended to go to when he felt he had nowhere else to turn to, but it was only that way because of Jongho, and if he wasn't there...

Suddenly, the lock unlatched and the door swung open, however just as he let out a breath of relief, he was slightly taken aback to find his mother there, instead...

'A— Ah... Miss Choi...'

The gentle woman's eyes widened upon seeing him. 'Yeosang darling, whatever happened? You look awful, goodness, your cheeks— Darling...'

He felt slightly awkward as Jongho's mother reached out towards him, but thankfully did not touch him, ghosting her hands over his face. 'Is— Ah...'

'Jongho isn't home yet,' she answered for him, though she quickly added, 'but he should be very soon. Would you like to come inside and wait for him? I have the heater on inside~'

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