899 🩺 A Cliché

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Eve ♡


"Cute," wasn't exactly a word Yunho used very often.

The closest he got to using it, was probably walking into the kitchen in the morning, to find Mingi sitting on their kitchen counter wearing nothing but one of his work shirts for some reason—not that the reason mattered exactly, because he kind of fiercely liked seeing him in them—smiling that incredibly happy, gummy smile over a mug of steaming hot coffee. That, was cute.

Especially, when Mingi would coax him closer with promises of kisses, only to wrap his bare legs around his body and snatch him up, giggling happily in success.

He also kind of thought seeing him sitting in their useless stash of pillows-on-the-ground-as-a-couch at night, gazing out at the stars was cute. Cuddled up under blankets, resting his temple against the glass...

Those kinds of things, he supposed he thought were "cute."

However he had to admit, although he didn't really think about the word on the daily, sitting on the floor in the living room of the Kang, Kim and Park household, supervising Nabi crawling after his and Mingi's kitten, calling it 'dadda,' was probably cute.

At least, it seemed Yeosang agreed, for what must have been the thousandth time, from opposite him leaning against their TV cabinet, Yeosang seemed to melt down all over again, nearly crying 'oh my god, it's so cute I'm going to die.'

Raising an eyebrow at him, he wondered if he would loose a finger or two out of rage if he said that if he hadn't died the past twenty times he'd said that, he probably wasn't likely to die this time either.

Between them on the carpet rug, Nabi squealed happily, touching the kitten's back and repeating over and over in all kinds of excited, expressive tones, 'dadda, dadda!' She honestly looked like she was living on top of the world, and he wasn't sure he'd seen such raw happiness in his entire life. Babies have the simplest of lives, he thought, catching himself smirking as the kitten tried to pounce towards Nabi, ending up falling in her lap.

'Dadda~!' Nabi squealed happily, kind of patting-that-almost-passed-as-hitting the kitten's back. However just as he expected to hear Yeosang express once more that he was "going to die of cuteness," another voice caught his attention.

'Oh, my gosh, that is so cute!'

His heart fluttered, and as he looked up, seeing Mingi's eyes filled with hearts gazing down was enough to have him yearning to hug him. His face was radiant and shimmering, but this time, not only because of his inner glow that radiated from within his skin, but because he'd been "playing with make-up," as he'd called it, with Wooyoung.

His skin was incredibly smooth—something that kind of contradicted itself in his heart, for he loved his softness, but also the tiny diamonds in his skin he knew he wouldn't be able to see with whatever it was covering them—his eyes ever-so-slightly smokey, his cheeks softly blushed, and his lips just a touch shimmery and a slight different shade of blushed. It was so subtle, but he had Mingi's face ingrained in his head in nuclear anatomic detail, and seeing him like that made him both breathless and sad at once. He loved both. He wanted, both.

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