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Eve ♡


Yunho wasn't entirely sure whether he was doing the right thing or not, but wanting badly to help in any way he could, he searched through their still-packed belongings for Mingi's favourite jumper and a soft blanket, before filling a glass with water and turning the light on above the stove to illuminate their dark apartment on his way to his boyfriend on their makeshift couch.

Mingi was staring out the window into the rainy beyond, knees to his chest as he leant into the corner. However although he was quiet and had barely spoken a word since they had run into his father at the convenience store, it seemed like it must have been very loud inside his head. He could tell in the way he was so tense. For so long, all he'd known Mingi to be, was the brightest, most gentle, soft person he'd ever met—playful...

However now more than ever, he was forced to realise that the light he saw in him, had come from a very dark, shadowy place...

'Min,' he said gently as he knelt down beside him, and his heart tugged when he saw him startle a little, looking up with the most gentle expression replacing the tension that had been there before. 'Here,' he said quietly, passing him his jumper and tenderly spreading the blanket over his knees.

'Aww, thank you baby,' Mingi said sweetly as he pulled on his hoodie.

Helping him pull it down and smooth it over his body, he felt his heart warm just a little as Mingi leant over and pressed a soft kiss into his cheek, before leaning back into his corner, pulling his sleeves down over his hands and gazing back out the window...

Reaching out, he took one of his hands and gently pulled his sleeve back to place the glass in his hand. 'Drink, Min,' he urged. 'You've had nothing all afternoon...'

He knew he was being excessively concerned, but he still worried fiercely when Mingi looked pale—terror still strongly rooted in him that he would faint and hurt himself. And so relief flooded through him when Mingi nodded—clearly for his benefit—and took a small sip from the glass.

'Yun-ah, what do you think my mom would want me to do?' Mingi suddenly asked, his voice so painfully gentle through the quiet in their new home.

To meet his father again, or not to...

Sitting down beside him, he bit into the inside of his cheek, thinking. Truth be told, he still didn't know too much about his mom, nor what kind of a person she had been. He knew she must have been at least somewhat like Mingi, for him to have such a sweet, gentle touch, however past that, he had always felt hesitant to ask him about his family. He didn't know what would upset him, and what would not, and the last thing he wanted, was to upset Mingi...

He chose to believe and trust that Mingi would tell him about his mother, and his father, when—or if—he ever felt like talking about them.

And so, he did his best to answer truthfully, in the only way he could.

'I think she would want you to do what you feel is right, and what you feel comfortable with.'

Mingi's eyes were faraway as he gazed out the window, so incredibly torn. However after a long few moments passed in silence, eventually, he let out an exhausted sounding breath, leaning over and plonking against his chest and resting his head into the nook of his neck—knees leaning into his lap.

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