918 🩺 I'm Soft rn ft. He's Just A Social Boi

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Eve ♡


Mingi might have been exhausted, but he didn't think that warranted his couch-arrest.

Yunho was struggling!

But as he tried to walk into the kitchen to help him, for it smelled like it was about to catch on fire, he squealed with guilty giggles as Yunho put down his utensils, said, 'that's it,' in that sexy demanding voice of his, walked straight up to him, and swept him up into his arms.

'Yun!' he cried, coughing a little as his voice broke and it scratched the back of his throat.

'No complaining,' Yunho ordered, placing him right back down onto their makeshift couch, but this time forcibly tucking him in to the point of restraining him down. 'You've worked all day.'

'So have you!' he argued. Pouting up at him, he caught his wrist to stop him from escaping away. 'I can help~' he begged. 'I want to~'

But Yunho shook his head, and when he left—to his disappointment—he was surprised when he suddenly returned, plonking Mittens down into his lap. 'Look after her. She's attention needy.'

He giggled, feeling the soft fur of their curious little kitten in his hands and smiling when she climbed her front little paws up his abdomen and chest to nuzzle up against him. 'That was very mean,' he said, pouting as he fake-glared up at Yunho in the kitchen. How was he supposed to move now that Mittens was giving him cuddles?

He caught sight of Yunho's smirk, and it was then that he realised, as stoic as the man could be, he wasn't dumb. He might not have appeared to be too fussed with cute and cuddly kittens, but he clearly knew the power they held over everyone else, and clearly, he wasn't afraid to use that to his advantage. A kind of ammunition, if you will.

He even looked chuffed with himself.

He poked his tongue out at him and decided to give Mittens all his attention, tucking his blanket-covered knees up and cradling her nice and close. 'You're getting so big~' he cooed, kissing her between her floppy little ears. Big, as in still tiny, but compared to what she had been, enormous.

He rested his heavy head against the window-pane wall and gazed out into the kitchen. Indeed, he was tired, and although he'd not had the biggest day, spending it with Hongjoong mostly in his office, he still felt like he'd walked laps of the hospital floors every minute of his shift.

He was definitely excited for sleep.

But he didn't see why that meant he couldn't help Yunho... The blessed thing made it look hard...

'No,' Yunho said flatly without even looking up.

He laughed. 'How'd you know I was thinking about it?'

'Because I know you now. You can't help yourself. You're too nice.'

He gasped in amused surprise. 'I am not.'

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