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Eve ♡


Mingi had always loved the homely, lived in feeling that the Kang and Kim home had to it, always bright and airy and enough to bring smiles to faces even when nothing in particular was happening.

Now though, standing in the middle of the living room, surrounded by life...

He felt a wave of dark, heavy emotion hit when he realised, within these walls, this was now a place where a life was being raised... Nabi...

Frozen, standing in the middle of the living room, he could hear a shower running at the end of the hallway—Yeosang—there was laughter drifting in from the bedrooms that preceded Wooyoung dragging San out into the kitchen—the both of them wearing smiles from ear to ear—Seonghwa was setting the table—a towel still over his wet hair—and Hongjoong was on the carpet before the couch with Nabi, playing with her and her toys...

The walls were alive with love and laughter and joy, and for a long few moments, all Mingi could do was stare... Stare at the scene before him he had been welcomed into, and feel his eyes well with tears...

Once upon a time, this had been what his own family had felt like... Before...

'Oh my gosh, Min? Are you okay?'

Suddenly, he was engulfed with a candy fruity scent, and as he snapped out of his daze, he was shocked as he found Wooyoung directly before him, hands on his arms. He was even more surprised to find that his own cheeks were wet with tears, and in shock, he swiped at them, laughing at the absurdity of it all. 'Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened...'

'Minnie,' Wooyoung breathed, pain lacing his voice as he pulled him into his arms. 'You're crying! What happened?!'

He could feel more eyes drawing to him, but as easily as the heavy emotions had come, they washed away just as fluidly, and smiling through dried teary cheeks, he hugged his friend back. 'I'm okay, I have no idea why I'm suddenly teary.' Party a lie, but still, also partly true. He didn't know why it had all hit at once, now.

Maybe because you saw your dad, offered a cautious voice in his head...

Blinking his eyes open, he saw the concerned look San gave him over Wooyoung's shoulder, but instead of pondering the depressing thoughts any longer, he shot him a calming smile instead.

'I'm okay,' he urged, laughing it off. I'm just really scared of Seonghwa's cooking.'

'Ya!' Seonghwa's voice cried out in horror from the background, and it was quickly followed by laughter. 'What's wrong with my cooking?!'

And just like that, his own laugher was no longer half veiled, but entirely of true amusement. 'Do you not remember the time you nearly burned down San's mum's kitchen?'

'My mom's kitchen is always on the verge of burning down,' San immediately interjected.

It made him giggle. 'True,' he murmured, just as Wooyoung gently let go, eyeing him carefully. 'I'm okay,' he whispered, nudging the blonde's side tenderly. But in the way he saw Wooyoung glance around at everyone...

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