781 🩺 The Morning After (x2?)

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Eve ♡


It had been sometime after sunrise when Seonghwa felt the bed move beneath him, and fluttered his eyes open to see San leaning up onto his elbow. He gazed down at Wooyoung with a deep kind of harrowed affection in his eyes, and giving his waist one last gentle rub, he very carefully slipped off of the mattress.

He watched as his friend rubbed his hands over his face and back through his hair, making his way through the studio apartment, however while he'd thought he might just be fetching water, or maybe even coffee, instead, he witnessed him pull on a hoodie that had been laying over the couch, and then grab a set of keys from the bowl, letting himself outside in his cotton navy pyjama shorts.

Biting into his lip, he tried to listen for his steps outside, but couldn't hear through his obvious lack of shoes, and so taking a breath, he decided to wait a little while, to see whether he would come back.

Moving his gaze back to the bed, he glanced down at Hongjoong beside him, laying awake but with his eyes closed, with Wooyoung resting in against his chest. The blonde's hair was splayed out over his shoulder and his hand over his chest in an intimate embrace. However although it seemed sweet at first glance, it disturbed him to see that Wooyoung's eyes were slightly open, blinking slowly the way they had most of the night, not seeming to see a thing before him.

There was a very obvious grief woven through everything about him, and paired with his silence, it had a deep kind of concern lacing through his heart. He was totally quiet—hadn't made a sound all night since his terrorised screams had come to an abrupt halt, and seeing the way he was just laying there...

Hadn't even seemed to register his boyfriend leaving...

His gaze tugged away as he noticed Hongjoong's eyes flutter open, finding his. 'Morning,' he said, with his morning voice sounding more raw than usual.

He shifted his hand from over Wooyoung's to brush his husband's cheek, dipping down on his elbow to press a soft kiss into his lips. 'Morning,' he replied gently.

Resting together... Softly... Hongjoong gave him a small smile, before shifting his gaze to the blonde head of hair splayed out over his chest and brushing his chin. Arms already around him, he smoothed them comfortingly over his body, pressing a tender kiss into the top of his head.

But to his surprise, Hongjoong didn't say anything.

He just hugged him, holding him close...

And Wooyoung's gaze didn't shift in the slightest, eyelashes blinking slowly as though he wasn't even aware of his Hyung's touch.

'He dissociates sometimes after bad nights,' Hongjoong explained softly, holding the blonde close as he gazed down at him. 'A coping mechanism.'

He felt his heart throb, glancing at Wooyoung's distant expression of pain and grief. 'How long does it last?' he asked, taking in his vacant disposition.

'Depends on what he's trying to cope with,' Hongjoong replied with a sad kind of tone to his voice. 'Last time, years ago just after school, it was a couple of days... The time before that, a little longer... He'll remember very little, if anything at all,' he said sadly.

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