825 🩺 Coming Clean (x2?)

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PLEASE REPORT THIS UNDER COPYRIGHT, and do not support thieves. It breaks my heart.

Eve ♡


Night having fallen, lights on in their apartment, Hongjoong had left Nabi napping in her washing basket in the living room with her uncles and San, all having a late dinner, talking quietly amongst themselves. Enough time had passed that things had calmed down under their roof, but with the relief that it seemed Wooyoung was recovering after his therapy session, his own troubles had come knocking...

Infidelity flavoured troubles, with blood red nails and lips...

He found his husband in their room, folding washable nappies in his pyjamas, and immediately, a sense of guilt crashed down over him.

'Hwa,' he said, catching his attention as he walked inside. He watched him look up, eyes dark and filled with thoughts bouncing around. 'We need to talk...'

'About Nabi needing to start swimming lessons?' Seonghwa replied, mind already so clearly leaping about. 'I know— I was going to talk to you, but then everything got so busy and hectic and then I was at work, and you were at classes—' he started blurting out, mind racing a million miles an hour. He went to their desk and picked up a stack of papers, showing him.

'I rang every pool in town, but you have to register for the term in advance for most swimming classes, and it's past the registration date, but the ones that don't do that were exuberantly expensive, so I talked to the fathers at the classes and they said this one is where they all go, and I was going to book, but I wanted to talk to you, and I know you said I could do it, but I didn't want to do anything without telling you, and—'

'Seonghwa,' he interrupted, smoothing a hand over his chest and using his other to gently divert the papers being thrust at him. 'Babe, I appreciate all this, and we can talk about it later, but I didn't mean the swimming classes,' he said...

And suddenly, Seonghwa's face went stark cold, staring at him in concern. It reminded him of the day he'd tried to break up with him in the park...

Putting his research down, Seonghwa gently took him by the wrist and drew him to sit on the edge of their bed.

Guilt was already biting at his ankles.

'Hwa... Something happened at the mothers class yesterday,' he said, trying really hard to meet his gaze, but finding himself struggling. He still wanted to cut his hands off with a saw from touching that woman's body, and the nausea he felt from the thought of how close he'd come to having her lips on his...

'Okay...' Seonghwa said carefully, his gaze on him as he held his hand...

He swallowed, trying to work out how to even start talking... 'I wanted to tell you yesterday, but...' Everything had been too busy, and he hadn't known how to bring it up...

Now that he had started though...

He tried not to fidget and as he blurted out his confession and came clean. 'A woman came onto me in the corridor outside the education room,' he said in a rush, and as he did, suddenly, he couldn't sit still. Standing up, he tore his hands away and raked them through his hair as he paced back and forth in front of his husband.

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