824 🩺 Painful Truths To Heal

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Eve ♡


Sitting around the dining table, mugs of half drunk coffee before them, Yeosang watched his brother, wishing he was beside him, rather than around the corner. Wooyoung was being so brave. There was a determination to his eyes that he knew well, despite the fear and pain beyond, and there was nothing he wanted for him more than to get better.

It was the reason he had devoted his life to medicine. It was the reason for his entire existence. To look after him and protect him and keep him happy and safe.

He wanted not a single thing more, than for his brother to get better.

But while it was everything he had dreamed of for as long as he could remember, as he watched him bravely let go of a book he'd held close to him all this time, placing it on the table before doctor Yang...

Watched him offer up something so close to his heart...

He couldn't understand why it tore at his insides like thorns...

'I did my homework,' Wooyoung said softly. His hand trembled a little as he placed it on the table, and it almost looked like he'd snatch it back. Alas, letting go, he put his hand back in his lap and squeezed his rabbit, taming his anxiety. 'Every thing that happened that made me feel gross since I saw you last... I wrote about it all...'

Yang Saem's eyes lit up in the most genuinely surprised but proud of ways, however her response was anything but sugary and congratulatory in flavour. Instead, she acknowledged it constructively. 'That must have been very confronting and painful.'

The instant he heard his brother sniff, his heart shattered, and he ached to go to him...

'It was scary...' Wooyoung whispered... 'But I did it...'

'May I read what you wrote?'

He watched his brother like a hawk as he nodded slightly, eyes downcast as a shiver worked its way to his hands on his toy... Sitting there... By himself... Suffering...

He shouldn't have to do this alone, a voice said in desperation, and letting out a breath, he went to move to his side...

However before he could, a hand came down on his thigh...

And when he looked up, he saw Hongjoong's eyes watching him... The slight shake of his head, no...

B—... But...

'Why don't you tell me about this first one?' Yang Saem asked, opening to a detailed sprawl across the two pages.

Wooyoung swallowed, nodding... 'I—... I had a bad dream,' he said quietly, sniffing as he swiped at his cheeks. A long moment of quiet passed, before he spoke again.

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