814 🩺 A Shocking Experience 🤭 | M

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Eve ♡


Yunho had never been so fucking uncomfortable over a family dinner in his entire goddamn life.

He had sat through hundreds of nights holding in how much he hated his med degree whilst thinking his parents would disown him if he came clean. He had sat in that fucking chair while he felt judged for sharing his days he had spent hand painting in Mingi's dorm's kitchen, going to his best—and only—friend's graduation ceremony, and exploring with Mingi. He'd sat there after he had been stabbed in the neck, punched in the face, and chased by attackers...

He'd sat in that fucking chair like a pansy after he'd come to realise he had feelings for a guy, despite listening to them talking about girls, he'd sat there after coming out, he'd sat there after he'd had sex for the very first time, and he'd sat there while he was lectured about how to have that sex safely with his brand new boyfriend.

If only they knew their only son was sitting at the dinner table with said boyfriend, eating steak and vegetables, with a sex toy stuck in his ass.

He'd had quite a few uncomfortable dinners in his time.

But this one took the cake and would hands down remain undefeated until the day he died.

It was incredibly difficult to swallow down even his boiled vegetables, and with every breath, he was sure he would be discovered. He wasn't sure how, but he had the looming feeling that his father would look at him over his glass of wine, his eyes would flicker down, and he would say, son, I should not have to tell you how inappropriate and rude it is to be using such a thing at the dinner table.

Dear god, a pained twang of cringe ripped through his chest, but as he shifted slightly in hidden shame, the top of the toy's T jammed against his chair and it delved it into him, directly against his prostate.

That fucking bulb, he thought, picturing the shape of the device. He was sure there were many advocates of this particular vibrating toy that would love to personally thank its creator for its precise shape, however if he ever laid eyes on them, he wasn't quite sure he would have the same reaction.

He suspected he would come out with bruised knuckles and a court order.

'Oh that sounds delightful,' his mother said, leaning forward in interest as she conversed with Mingi. It was incredible how more animated she was in his presence, and tonight was no exception, for she had barely touched her meal, too preoccupied with her very obvious content that he was joining them again for dinner. 'Yunho was quite vague telling us about your trip, only that it was to Busan. Did you enjoy your holiday?'

Ahem... he thought, wondering why he hadn't come more prepared for the question. He'd known it would come, but he still hadn't come up with a response that wasn't, Well... So glad you asked.

We had so much sex we are both sleep deprived and we barely left our hotel room. Thanks for asking.

Mingi was far more equipped at answering, and so smoothly, he replied with a smile, 'oh, it was lovely~. Busan is so beautiful. We kept ourselves so busy we barely had a moment spare, didn't we Yun?'

The Odd Doctor Out | A Drama | S. 5Where stories live. Discover now