898 🃏 Fk it. We Need An Interlude To Break Up The Smut

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🛑 Stop

If you are reading this outside W-A-T-T-P-A- D, then you are reading STOLEN WORKS 🛑

PLEASE REPORT THIS UNDER COPYRIGHT, and do not support thieves. It breaks my heart.

Eve ♡


After a long shift at the café, Luna had been enjoying sitting in the sun in a little park down the street, perched atop a brick ledge overlooking a pond of koi fish. She'd been content, soaking in the rays and swinging her legs over the water, though disappointed with her soggy sandwich, when she jumped in surprise as somebody sat down beside her.

Out of total instinct, she grabbed her handbag and went to swing it at the man in black...

However, 'Jesus, Lu,' the guy said, voice both charismatic and chad-like at once, with a hint of surprise at her outburst.

She rolled her eyes and decided to hit him with it anyway, before staring back out at the fish.

'Way to make a man feel welcome,' Kim said, dangling his legs over the ledge as well. 'Hit him while he's vulnerable.'

She rolled her eyes. 'Feel lucky I didn't push you in,' she replied, imagining dragging him over by his shirt and getting to watch him fall into the freezing water.

'Point taken. I shall count my lucky blessings,' Kim replied, voice amused.

She was about to ask what he was doing there, when she jerked at having her sandwich suddenly taken away from her.

She'd gone to argue, and maybe actually throw him in, when suddenly, a lush chicken and salad roll was being put into her hands—the scent of mayonnaise making her mouth water. She softened immediately and felt kind of bad when she watched Kim peel away the cling wrap to her soggy sandwich and take a bite.

'Where's that antisocial boyfriend of yours?' Kim asked through his mouthful.

She rolled her eyes at him. 'You mean that antisocial friend of ours?' She let out a breath of a laugh when he saw him snort. 'Home, working on a private showpiece,' she replied, before taking a bite of the sandwich. Ugnnnh— It tasted incredible. 'Thanks for the roll,' she said, before suddenly it occurred to her, 'how'd you know I'd be here, anyway?'

He shrugged, taking another bite of her pathetic looking lunch, nearly having entirely finished it in just those two bites. 'Was looking at buying a car around the corner,' he said easily, looking out over the pond. 'Figured I'd drop by and make sure you're not starving yourself to death with that goddamn calorie counter of yours. Was walking past and saw you sitting here.'

She laughed, but not because of her meal plan. 'Ya,' she snorted, staring into the side of his head. 'Don't play that off,' she laughed. 'What happened to Mr. I don't believe in owning cars in cities?'

She saw the hint of his lips smirk up, dragging his stubbled cheek with it. It immediately gave him away. 'Did I say that?' he asked, feigning thought. 'Doesn't sound like something I'd say.'

She snorted, shoving him in the shoulder with her own. 'Oh I'm fairly sure I have a voice recording of you preaching your anti-automotive antics.'

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