922 🩺 Not The Way He'd Planned

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Eve ♡


Mingi was sick, and honestly, he felt like shit.

So what better day, than to leave the house like he'd promised Yunho he wouldn't, to venture down to the only convenience store in the country that made him apprehensive just thinking about.

He'd not dressed up.

Yunho's comfiest dark grey sweatpants, one of his own loose fitting, soft long sleeved navy shirt, a long warm coat, black, with its pockets filled with tissues, and his old worn slides... He was too exhausted and sick to even bother taking off his jewellery, but the feeling of his toe ring, thin necklace, bracelets and studs only made him feel more gross as he pushed through the door into the convenience store.

He had no idea what he had planned to do. To stalk around, and then leave again?

Idly wandering the halls, nobody around, he decided to buy a pack of Yakults, vitamins, and a box of tissues to take home with him, and with them all in a plastic bag, he'd resigned to just go home again and go back to sleep, because god knew his headache could use passing out to take the edge off of it.

However as he made his way back towards the door, for some reason, he did something he'd not done in a long, long while.

He sat at the counter along the front of the store looking out onto the overcast, dim street.

What the hell am I doing? he wondered, sighing heavily. He felt like shit. He should have been resting. Yunho would probably kill him if he found out he'd gone out.

But alas, taking out a single bottle of drinking yoghurt and his vitamins, he popped two little tablets into his mouth, and then sipped a little to swallow.

Jesus, Min. Deja vu much?

He felt like he was back in his school days, two black eyes, a bruised wrist and ankles, busted lip, and probably even a good scattering of sickly colour across his torso, sitting at the convenience store tables near his old house on a school day, eating kimbab triangles and grieving over his mom all over again. It had been a regular occurrence for him back in the day.

And all these years later, he felt no older than fifteen, sitting by himself, wondering how on earth he'd gotten there.

He glanced down at his bracelet around his wrist and gently twisted one of the dark beads around the thread. 'I miss you, mom...' Maybe it was just because it was overcast and looked as though the sky was trying to rain, but he felt more emotional than usual... Missed her all that much more...

To his side, a little ways away, he heard the door open with the tinkle of the bell attached to it, but he didn't really register it. Taking another sip of his Yakult, he instead stared out at the people passing by on the street and wondered if it was just his mood, or if they were all wearing shades of grey, like all the colour in the world had been sucked out of it...

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