887 🩺 Back To Work ft. Chaos

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Eve ♡


'You really need to get that card fixed,' Sejun, the barista at the level three hospital café, said to Seonghwa as his staff card failed to scan for the third time in a row.

He huffed, shifting Nabi to his other side to smack the card on the bench a few times, rub it on his shirt, and then try again.

Card accepted.

'It just needs a little bit of tough love,' he said, cringing as Sejun rolled his eyes at him.

'Two blueberry muffins and a chicken lunch roll,' Sejun called out to the other staff member—the one he still didn't know the name of, for he never wore his name tag.

He frowned. 'I— I didn't pay for the muffins,' he blurted out.

However he was met with a grin from the barista as he slid two coffees and a mug of warm water across the bench to him, and not a moment later, he nearly had a goddamn heart attack as hands wove around Nabi...

He jerked protectively, eyes widening in horror...

Until he realised, it was his husband, and Hongjoong was smoothing to his side, graciously stealing their daughter away and peppering her little cheeks with kisses.

'On the house~' Sejun said with a grin. 'And by that, I mean, on the hospital,' he added humorously. 'Consider it payment for finally showing us the real deal, instead of just photos of your girl.'

He felt his chest ache, and he didn't know what to say...

'Thank you~' Hongjoong sang though, sweeping up a coffee and shoving it into his hands. 'I'll make sure to donate a percentage of my salary to the department of health~' he sung, before escaping away with his coffee and his daughter.

He pouted, staring after him, wondering what on earth had just happened.

'Something tells me who the boss is here,' Sejun murmured, smirking.

His eyes widened. 'Yes. Me,' he said defiantly, sweeping up the water, the muffins and the roll for Hongjoong. 'Obviously.'

'Yes, obviously...' Sejun bit down on a smirk, and for a moment, he thought he caught the hint of an amused look his offsider shot at Sejun...

He didn't ponder it, nodding thanks to No Name, and heading after his husband.

He was sitting at a table by the big walls of glass looking into a courtyard of greenery, bathed in sunlight, dressed in dark green scrubs with his white coat resting over the back of a chair, and his daughter sitting in his lap, curiously trying to grab at his coffee out of her reach.

Sitting down with them, he couldn't help the grin he grew, looking at the two of them. 'Have you been charming the barista?' he asked deadpan. 'How come he gives you free lunch?'

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