789 🩺 Fantasising About You

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Eve ♡


~ Last night ~

Late night in Busan, moonlight painting the land in shades of ivory and midnight blue, a moan breaks through the night, and a breath leaves through parted lips. Spine arching, head falling back off of the mattress, a hand around his throat, while his own curls the bed sheets into a ball...

'Mgmñ, Yun~' he moans, fairies dancing around in his head in a blissful high no narcotic could ever compete with.

His skin breaks out in goosebumps, his toes curl, and an orgasm washes over him, body and soul.

Yunho wants to kiss him—he knows he does. His lips are nipping and melding against his, and he is groaning out desperate sounds, but he can't find the lucidity to remember how to give him what he wants. He is floating amongst the clouds in heaven, a constant earth shattering thrum of pleasure flooding through his system he can't think through.

He feels deep regret when the hand around his throat lets go—it had been giving him such intoxicating bliss. Very quickly however, he is hit with a rush of blood and oxygen to his brain and he feels himself loosing his hold on life. Perfect, he is higher than he feels he has ever been, and with eyes rolling back, he lulls his head back and moans...

Moans, until he isn't sure whether he's awake or dreaming or living or dead. He is sure he is between worlds. He sees nothing but stars that turn to blackness, and all he feels is an overpowering thrum of heat and pleasure and everything in his chest, overflowing into every other part of his body and drowning him in what is so obviously heaven.

There is an echo...

A distant sound he feels drawn to...

Something that sounds safe...

Like home...

He pulls himself towards it, not sure why he wants to hear more, but needing it more than anything else...




'Min-ah baby open your eyes for me.'

He groans as he realises where he is, and that the prickling sensation of goosebumps over his body that was accompanied with such bliss, is fading away, because the wonderful feeling of his boyfriend's length moving inside of him, has stopped.

No please keep going, he wants to moan desperately, trying so hard to hold onto his high of total exoticism. However his words don't come out... He hears a string of unintelligible sounds, and he feels Yunho's hands brushing his cheeks.

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