914 🩺 Intrusive Thoughts

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Eve ♡


Yunho loved the feeling of coming home after work. There was just something about the way it felt to push through the door into a space that he knew held Mingi, and so many fond memories already that made the space feel warm.

It was nothing like the sterility of the white lights and bare white walls in his family's home.

It was warm and vibrant, and his eyes seemed to be developing a habit of glancing to the fridge first before anything else, where two hand paintings filled with colours awaited him.

Mingi tended to redecorate while he was home alone, and slowly, more dashes of colour were beginning to surface. First, it had been the coloured blankets on the ground as their couch, and then it was timber photo frames filled with photos of them and their friends that had begun popping up around the place. It was a stack of books with coloured spines that sat upon Mingi's keyboard in the corner, followed by study Post-It notes above the desk on the wall...

Today, it was a line of little potted plants along the kitchen windowsill, and little smiley faces and hearts drawn on the window in what he assumed was glass pen.

He smiled as he put down his bag by the door, careful not to rest it on its front where he knew his dad's ring was, before walking into the kitchen to look at them. The drawings were cute. There was even a little cartoon he assumed was him and Mingi, but in character format, with a little cat between them.

There were five coloured pens on the counter, red, pink, blue, green and purple, and in a moment where he couldn't recognise himself, he picked up the green pen and reached out, drawing a little stem and a single leaf above the head of the character he thought looked most like Mingi.

Capping the pen and rolling his eyes at himself, he glanced along the row of plants. None were flowering, and he had not a fucking clue what any of them were, but he smiled, remembering Mingi's little garden he'd loved back when he'd lived at the dorm.

Just like that, he decided to keep his eyes open for any other plants he might like. Maybe even those little flowers he'd always loved back at the dor—

'A-choo.' 🤧

Attention stolen, he snapped his head up and glanced through the door to their bedroom where he saw Mingi lean across their bed to pluck a tissue from the box on the bedside, quietly blowing his nose and dropping it into the bin. He gravitated back to his place, picking something up and returning to look at it, seemingly miles away...

Walking to the door, he leant against the door frame and glanced at the bin. There weren't many tissues in it. He supposed that was a good sign. 'You okay Min?'

Mingi startled, looking up and seeming relieved when his eyes fell upon him. 'Yun-ah~' he breathed fondly, smiling. 'How was work?'

'Work-y...' As always... There was never anything interesting to say, but Mingi always asked him, every afternoon... 'You okay, Min?' he asked, seeing as it seemed he hadn't truly heard him the first time.

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