778 🩺 A Lil Bit Of Sauna Action | M

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Eve ♡


A first night filled with nothing but paradise...

A lazy morning of naps and kisses...

An embarrassingly late breakfast by the ocean with the salty scent of the sea breeze rustling through their hair...

Walking hand in hand along the beach, and an afternoon picnic in the park, birds above them in the trees as he studied on their rug, Yunho with his nose in a book when his gaze wasn't resting easily on him, simply watching him in all his simplicity...

Mingi was sure he was in heaven. He had to keep pinching himself to make sure he was awake, because despite how real it felt, he still could barely believe it.

All day, Yunho had been so much more clingy and affectionate than usual, which was saying something, considering "cozy" was his baseline, always tending to want to be touching him innocently in some way or other. Back home, it had been their knees or their hands or sitting together in their little corner, but here... Yunho had barely taken his hands off of him all day...

Not that he was complaining at all. He had however had to admit that he too felt like something inside of Yunho had shifted. He wasn't sure when it had been, either throughout their incredible night of love making, or maybe even sometime before, but all day, he'd kept noticing it in the small things...

He felt it in the way Yunho looked at him, his gaze just slightly more heated than he was used to seeing glazed across those chocolate irises, and he felt it in the way he acted, like whatever guard neither of them had known he'd been holding up, was suddenly completely down. It felt a little like he'd maybe grown into himself a little more... Grown sure of his identity and his emotions, even though he still didn't have words for everything he felt and was experiencing...

But if he was being honest, he thought it was kind of cute the way he'd sat on the edge of their bed that morning with fire in his eyes, innocently asking what it was called to feel such a thing inside. It was endearing, and secretly, he wished it would never change.

However as he tied the belt around his white bathrobe and led them into the sauna room from the spa, when Yunho's arms snaked around his waist from behind and he found himself being tugged back into his chest with lips pressing to his ear...

He wasn't so sure Yunho's innocence would last as long as he hoped.


There was something so fucking addictive about the way it felt to follow Mingi so blindly. Never before in his life had he expected to be wandering into a sauna in a five star hotel wearing nothing but a towel and a pathetically enamoured look on his face, but there he was, and staring at the way Mingi's dark hair contrasted with the white of his robe while he reached a hand back behind him for him to hold, leading him into yet another first...

The moment he stepped across the threshold into the humid room filled with golden lights and timber interior, he wrapped his arms around Mingi's waist and dug his cheek into the nape of his neck.

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