780 🩺 Tears Laced In Love

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Eve ♡


The moment Seonghwa unlocked his old studio door for them, Hongjoong swept inside. He'd heard Wooyoung's screams from down the stairwell, and meeting a congregation of concerned neighbours outside, seemingly more calmed to see Seonghwa return—a familiar face assuring all would be okay and help was on its way—he'd been in pain.

But sweeping his eyes over the empty couch, and a bed he'd slept in once-upon-a-time left with crumpled sheets, he followed the sounds of the echoing screams into the bathroom, and dropped to his knees when he found two bodies on the floor in the shower cubicle.

'Oh Woo,' he breathed.

Water tap turned off, San was leaning back against the corner of the shower with Wooyoung in his lap—wrapped in a towel that was sopping wet—trying desperately to hold him from thrashing about and hurting himself. The look on his face was deathly, filled with tears mixed and shower water mixed with agony, totally and utterly defeated as he begged in exhaustion for his partner to wake up...

And Wooyoung...

He was in agony.

He could see it on his face. He was totally engulfed in the horrors he saw in his mind's eye, and despite shivering with his eyes wide open, he was not at all with the rest of the world—trapped in the cruel nightmare of his own creation.

Gravitating to his side—the boy he'd known since he was just a baby—he took his face in his hands and tapped his cheeks, holding his wild gaze roughly upon his face.

'Woo, it's me,' he breathed, feeling his heart throb as he saw the way San's muscles popped in his biceps as Wooyoung thrashed, suddenly screaming with brand new intent, and he heard the way the brunette quietly pleaded with his boyfriend not to hurt himself...

His voice had made it worse.

Recognising the calibre of Wooyoung's distress for what it was, he forced himself into action.

'San, do you have any cold water?' he asked, meeting his distressed, disturbed eyes.

The brunette nodded, murmuring a nearly unintelligible string of words, and so he turned back to call over his shoulder. 'Seonghwa babe can you get a bowl and cold water from the fridge please?'

And seeing his voice only making the situation worse, he became positive San had been right with what he had said over the phone. Wooyoung's cries...

He felt it in his veins, that they were for him—had felt it from the moment he'd heard him screaming Hyung, even from down the stairwell outside.

He refrained from talking to him, instead trying greedily to hold his cheeks while he impatiently waited for his husband to return.

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