847 🩺 Can't Stop Loving Him

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Eve ♡


It had been hard watching Yeosang leave the first time. It had felt wrong. Like letting a part of his own body leave, to never come back.

However although it was just as hard the second time, something had changed this time around...

He wanted to respect his wishes. He let him go, like he had the first time, to respect his privacy and his right to choose. He let him go, because deep down, he thought a part of him had known for a very long time, that this would be how things ended, even though it had not been explicitly said aloud.

It was hard to put his own wishes aside, and everything his own heart yearned for...

But while it had hurt the first time, watching him go... Like one might expect to feel, watching the person they love, leave...

This time...

Watching him go...

Something that felt so wrong... 

It felt like watching his father go.

The realisation hit hard, smacking the breath from him for a moment, but as he stared at the place where Yeosang's blonde head of hair had disappeared from, it was undeniable...

This was it... The things he felt for Yeosang were real. They weren't a toy, or something superficial that would fade away with time.

He loved him.

And with tears in his eyes, as he felt the ghost of a younger version of himself sitting beside him, he couldn't help but choke on disgust that surged within him.

Yeosang had deserved so much more than he'd ever given him, and there was nothing else more in the world he wanted, than to take everything back...

But he couldn't, and the consequences of his actions were ultimate.

He had broken his heart, and his own, irreparably.

Yeosang could not forgive him, and although it hurt...

He thought it hurt maybe even more, to know that he could never forgive himself, either.

Yeosang deserved the world, and he'd given him a grain of salt, too caught up in playing pretend at adulting, rather than stepping up and seeing that there were consequences to the things one chose to, or chose not, to do...

Yeosang... Sang...

Glancing at the door, he swallowed back the lump in his throat and swiped away the tears that slipped down his cheeks as he saw people peering outside... Murmuring amongst themselves...

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