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Eve ♡


A/N: Okay, fair warning guys, from here on out, I am going to be skipping to the major moments, because... Fam. We are approaching the end, and I'm almost out of chapters 😭 Here I've been, having so much fun with the fluff, but yo, we are at the final sprint.

This is the last 200 meters.

And that, fam, is fucking 🤡WILD🤡


Jae Hyun.

Born in America, moved to Korea when he was three, but continued to travel between the two countries until he was ten, when his life changed forever. Has not left the country since.

His mom was diagnosed with a debilitating degenerative disorder that would come on fast and hard and in the most brutal way possible.

His father walked out upon the news, leaving their sole child, Jae, to look after her, watch her loose her mind, and become his very own mother's primary caregiver. 

He loved music, found an escape in writing his own works, but dropped out of uni to work at a convenience store.

He had a ton of friends, argued with most of them on a daily basis, but still managed to have a kind of wholesome relationship with them all...

And it seemed he'd had a rather shallow history with girls, too focused on the rest of his life to properly invest.

Jae Hyun, was unlike any other man Rose Lee had ever met.

He was funny, didn't take himself too seriously, was surprisingly perceptive to the people around him, and most importantly, he wasn't an asshole like most of the guy's she'd ever met.

She wouldn't lie. Her family was from a wealthy background. She wasn't by any means a nepo baby, nor had they had a grossly exorbitant lifestyle. But her dad was an ivy league doctor at a well-established hospital, and her mom was a well respected artist who'd made it far enough to open her own art studio and multiple galleries, with her works even being showcased overseas.

She'd come from a solid, well off background.

But it had all been toxic.

For a start, her parents had been forever trying to set her up with men they deemed as appropriate unions for her. Most of the time, that had meant the men she'd seen had been stuck up, rude, entitled, and misogynistic assholes who had each collectively assumed that, should they ever marry, she would give up her art career and stay at home like some kind of furniture piece that was to be seen not heard.

She didn't want that for herself. She wanted to find a man she felt she could be equal with. A team. An honest and trusting pair that still retained their independent worths.

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