794 🩺 Not A Fan Of The Devil

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🛑 Stop

If you are reading this outside W-A-T-T-P-A- D, then you are reading STOLEN WORKS 🛑

PLEASE REPORT THIS UNDER COPYRIGHT, and do not support thieves. It breaks my heart.

Eve ♡


Refreshingly clear in the head, able to think for himself finally, Wooyoung ran a towel through his wet hair, ruffling his blonde locks and taking mental note to de-dye his hair when he had a moment. He'd never really told anyone before, simply just because his disassociations always upset the people around him, but for him, coming out of his periods of quiet, was usually an exhilarating feeling.

The only way to explain it was like his brain had had a long, wonderful sleep, resting and recovering and going on a vacation of its own, and when it turned back on, it was like a clean slate—a reboot to clear out all the junk and start anew. Thoughts came so easily, his imagination was fresh, all his emotions were calm and serene, and the world looked clearer and brighter. It was like going on a six month holiday on a deserted island..

Only better.

And after a long, freezing cold shower, standing before the mirror in the bathroom, he felt like he could smell the faint scent of the flowers growing in the pot plant by their vanity, and hear the birds outside—things he'd never noticed before since moving into their apartment.

It had been a long time since his last quiet.

His head was refreshingly empty.

Taking a breath of sweet air, he hung up his towel and dressed, slipping his knickers on over his hips, covering them with his little shorts, and pulling on a shirt that was too big, but was nice and comfy. There was something missing though...

He felt like he could use a little comforting to envelope him.

And so with the thought in his mind, he fluffed his still-damp hair and ventured out towards Yeosang's room in search of something to steal.

He could hear his brother out in the living room,—his room empty—and he took the opportunity while he was alone to gasp in shock at the state of his room. It was so much messier than he was used to. Granted, a stray pair of pyjamas or jumper left askew wasn't uncommon or unheard of, but this...

His bed was unmade, there were washed but not packed away clothes laying about on the rumpled blankets and in his window seat, and he couldn't even see the top of his dresser bench.

'Jesus, Sang...' he murmured. A pang of guilt touched his refreshed emotional palette, for causing him to fall into such a stoop that there was very clearly nothing else on his mind, other than him.

Wandering over to his bed, he shifted all the clothes to the top of his blankets to at least make his bed for him, folding a couple of shirts as he went. He folded a jumper too, but looking for something preferably pre-worn with his scent still embedded in the fabric, he picked his way through until he made it to his window seat, and smiled when he found the one.

An old sweater his brother had had since high school, stretched and worn out, but perhaps Yeosang's most-worn piece, not too thick for the autumn months, but not too thin for them either.

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